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d*amnit BIS

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urg look at http://www.virtualbattlefieldsystem.com website and look at all the good vehicles your making for the army. why cant you release good vehicles and wepons like these! i mean i would much rather have the harrier over some stupid Kiowa. you give us some average stuff, but you give the Military all the stuff WE want! whats the deal?confused.gif??

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You'll never understand Business Ethics will you? I mean think of how much the U.S. Government is going to pay em to develop it.

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i know but what im saying is why cant BIS release some of those vehicles and weapons to us? the US Govt isnt going to sell there copy so im sure they wouldnt mind if BIS made us some copies

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I dont know about anyone else but I would pay the same price as the game to get my hands on those add ons..

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I think that this is a pimped-out version of OFP. Its used by the military as a combat simulator, thus the attention to detail and different vehicles. But still, you cant help but wonder why they dont port some of those vehicles to us civies...

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Well I know where the Styer came from then.

Who knows , maybe this gear will find its way to us eventually. It all looks very cool.

But , I am super happy with the game as it is , I love it

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Is this something recently BIS has just gotten into? If so I can't see them spending much time with the commercial game at all. They will make much more money with the US Gov. paying them to develop the sim further for them.

In the end it means we won't see much else for OFP for the general public.

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can you imagine how cool the army version must be though! I wonder if you could use the same vehicles in our version if they made the files available.

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WHY, OH WHY, do everyone complain about BIS and their buisness with VBS?


You dont see people playing Quake 3 complaining to the developers that they want RTCW or MOHAA models in Quake 3. Or if Unreal fans want to have Deus Ex models in Unreal. It is exactly the same thing.

VBS is using the OFP engine. Or the other way around.

End of story. Nothing more in common.

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Nice website....a f**king picture......yeah those do look cool but don't b*tch at the makers of this game....they don't have to give anyone s**t....you think they are going to spend hours making something for you just because you want it?...#### no....

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I´ve voted for the AAVP7A1 (Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel) shown on that site as Codemasters started their survey form what units we would like to see in future addons for Flashpoint, but unfortunally it seems not many people voted for this vehicle, which i found far more suitable for conflicts on islands like we have them.

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Guest Scooby

I dont mind US military getting to train with improved OFP.

More computer games they play easier it gets for us... How games are now I can only see FPS games such as OFP to do harm to soldiers skills.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Scooby on 1:44 pm on Dec. 1, 2001

I dont mind US military getting to train with improved OFP.

More computer games they play easier it gets for us... How games are now I can only see FPS games such as OFP to do harm to soldiers skills. <span id='postcolor'>

it takes more than an underfunded bunch of conscripts to beat us.  And playing a simulation is better than sitting on our ass in s**tholes like Bosnia or Kosovo.  Oh wait,  thats right, we are stuck in those places ...*cough*

(Edited by PV at 9:09 am on Dec. 2, 2001)

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AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. All that bad ass s**t for the army and we don't even get a d*amn SDK

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It may have something to do with whinners? Im not sure, BTW nice name, I hope a building slowly crumbles on top of your ass and you suffer slowly. Then you die while in extreme pain wink.gif

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OFP is just a bit they took out of VBS to generate money for the project (VBS) , but BIS is not going to tell you guys that , I mean they got paid big to have there real money spinner VBS , beta tested for them , Good luck to you BIS , I hope it gives you a s**tload of cash.

I am not being sarcastic here , its good business on BIS's part.

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Even if there is no direct cross-over to OFP, if the same programmers are used then the experience stands them in good stead for further Add-ons or, even better, OFP2.

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