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Revealing a unit

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If I use the reveal command to reveal the location of the player to a helicopter, will the helicopter always know where the player is rock.gif If so, then, is there a command to hide the players location?

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If you set this situation

Play in Cadet (important to notice the locations) .

-An AI is in command of 2 other guys

-One of those 2 guys is you

-In a long distance, you made an opposite AI that run from a waypoint to a far away other in a loop.

-With a timed trigger, you make the officer to reveal the position of the opposite AI.

-Ingame , the officier will say "Contact" and will aim to the opposite AI location (your other teammate will aim too)

-If you look at the map , you will notice the enemy location.

After a little while , the enemy location will disappear on the map , and the officer will say "Clear" and the 2 AI will go relax.

But you know that the opposite AI is always running (as you placed it in loop waypoints on the editor)

Conclusion : after a little while , if the revealed enemy dont stay in his revealed position , the AI will lost his track.

So there is no need to "hide" again a revealed unit , as it is not revealed permanently.

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