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Init event handler

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Tried the search but found nothing...

What does the 'Init' Event Handler do or return and when it is activated?

I've tried to make sense of it but with no luck...  sad_o.gif

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The init event handler performs one-time initialisation of a unit.

Insert it into your addon like so:

class Zombie1: Civilian1


       class eventhandlers


           init = [_this select 0] exec {\scottsaddon\initzombie.sqs};



In the above example, a script called initzombie.sqs is called to initialise the zombie unit. Note the use of "_this" instead of "this" - the underscore is important.

Replace scottsaddon with the name of your pbo file (minus pbo extension of course)

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The initialisation begins just before the mission starts, BTW.

Sorry I never said that before.


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