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Missing blablabla.p3d (magic)

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Hi everybody,

prologue: Could not find anything related to this in this forum so please forgive me if it's already been mentioned somwhere...

Since a few days I get annoying error messages while starting up the game or certain missions. After 2.5 years of OFP I don't care much about error messages anymore but these errors prevent me from playing and this is unbearable.

The error messages are (not exactly since I am at work and can't remember them exactly)

cannot load UH-60 (L).p3d (magic) or similar with other units.

I tried this with several separated installations of OFP, 1.91 and 1.94, with unofficial addons and w/out, with modfolders and w/out etcpp.

I even copied a fresh virgin installation I have for server maintenance over one of the "faulty" installations, to no avail. It just works sometimes but more often it doesn't.

I don't get where this error could come from as I haven't changed anything (no new addons or any other changes)  for a while and it worked great until a few days ago.

The closest coincidence would be the transfer of my hardware into a new case, I think the problems started after that.

My config:

MSI KT4 Ultra

Athlon XP 2400+

Geforce FX 5900 Ultra 256 MB (*.5303 drivers I think)

2 x 512 MB PC2700 Samsung RAM

2 x 80 Gig IDE drives (Seagate and IBM)

Terratec DMX 6fire Soundboard

SMC Wireless LAN card 54 Mbit

Antec Sonata case with 380 W supply (it's evil I tell you)

OS: Windows XP Pro Sp1

running OFP GOTY 1.91 and 1.94

I think the rest of the stuff shouldn't matter.

Quote[/b] ]=====================================================================

== F:\Games\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE


Exe version: Fri Dec 12 11:51:30 2003

graphics:  Direct3D HW T&L , Device: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra, Driver:nv4_disp.dll

resolution:  1600x1200x32


 VoiceRH in voicerh\, Bizon in bizon\, Su25 in su25\, 6G30 in 6g30\

 BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\, BMP2 in bmp2\, Kozlice in kozl\, Steyr in steyr\, AH64 in apac\

 Vulcan in vulcan\, Hunter in hunter\, Kolo in kolo\, Mini in mini\, Trabant in trab\

 G36a in g36a\, BRDM in brmd\, Ch47D in ch47\, HMMWV in humr\

 LaserGuided in laserguided\, Noe in noe\, OH58 in oh58\, XMS in xms\

 BIS_Resistance in o\, Flags1 in flags\, MM1 in mm-1\, Bradley in m2a2\

Mods: RES

ErrorMessage: Bad file format in p3d file.

Any hint is appreciated!

Thx in advance


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anybody? I don't even need a solution maybe just a hint to what it could be related.

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I really don't know but maybe could give some to start.

Possibly something corrupting your hd files? You said you transferred components to a new case,maybe a drive cable not seated fully?

Irq conflict..just pulling your cards out and reinserting them could cause them to grab a different and sometimes same irq as another part

Maybe hard drive DMA got disabled or shouldn't be enabled

Some cd drives don't read files well, could try different cd drive,disable dma and if you have the cd drive on a controller card,could try hooking it to motherboard ide connectors

Sorry thats all I got from what you say

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Thanks for the tips guys.

I've come to the conclusion that the power supply of the new case is responsible for the errors.

Both HDs were attached to the same 12V cable (Y-Cable). After giving each HD its own power supply the errors seem to have gone.

This is intolerable for a new case with a "true" 380 W PSU so I guess I gotta call up my dealer and return the Antec case. Which is sad because it's very pretty and quiet. sad_o.gif

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I installed FDFmod 1.1 to my pc and i got those magic thingies also after that. well i reinstalled the 1.1 patch and now its all working like a charm.

EDIT: missing magic becouse low mana? check your mana and camp for tonite.

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Any ideas of what a "Magic" error actually is? I've started to get one now as well. The model has a 1.000 LOD only, some shining Verticies, and is a sub-class of TargetTraining. All textures are paa and I can't see anything wrong with the config....its all straight forward (or so it would appear...). Suggestions welcome!

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ive always has this missing "magic"p3d error with that nice oil refinery addon (by ag_smith) but game loads and plays fine, then again i redownloaded industrial pack from mtco server and when i use mtco folder without my old industrial pack loaded i dont get message, so i guess its a problem with my old pbo.

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Hmmm, well I solved my own problem...sort of. I don't get the error anymore. All I did was slightly change the name....which is weird because it didn't contain any odd characters, and I have longer p3d names than that one. Just one of those weird things I guess.

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Wierd, I got an error from Agent Smith's contruction kit where is added (Magic) at the end. What does (Magic) have to do with anything? Btw I am using 1.95

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My magics disappeared when i enabled wl&tl....(thx eizei)

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