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French headscarf ban recommended

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All is about perception of the science , one can see science to come from God and find in their Holy Book an explanation of it , and the other can see the opposite : it is just a quesition of point of view.

No it's not. It's a nice tolerant sentiment, but it's simply inaccurate. Science and religion are not comparable. Religion is subjective while science is not. Science is based on repeatable and verifiable experiments.

Science is not religion.  Science does not worship undetectable deities.  It does not require you to believe blindly; you are free to see and study all the evidence for yourself. When scientists' theories are challenged, they do not go running to religious leaders for support.  But how many religious leaders would like to have the backing of science behind their beliefs?  We see this quite frequently.

Most theists seem to want to treat belief in science in the same manner they treat their religious beliefs.  They choose to believe the things they like, and they discard other beliefs as silly or unnecessary.

It must be explained to them why science doesn't work that way.  If you don't like the law of gravity, you can't just discard it.  It won't go away.  If you don't like the fact that there are non-visible light waves just because you can't see them, it remains a fact that such light waves exist. Scientists have the same resistance to non-obvious things as other humans.  I doubt many scientists happily accepted certain theories without first scoffing at them as seemingly ludicrous.  But eventually evidence mounts and what once seemed ludicrous often becomes undeniable.  You can't ignore facts just because they make you uncomfortable.  (Well, you can with religious views, but not in science.)

As for integrating religion with science, as Acecombat is suggesting, is a futile task. A quote from a book is not scientific evidence. Just about every religion has a lot of inconsistencies in its own system and it could much less be integrated into the domain of science.

Religion and science deal in completely different domains and they are not equals. Science is universal and does not require faith.

It's really simple: stay out of my dear science and I won't bother you with criticism of your beliefs. If you do however wander into the realm of science with religious theories, you can expect getting your ass kicked. wink_o.gif

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Well, suppose its kind-of-official now:


Quote[/b] ]

French MPs have voted by a massive majority to ban the Islamic headscarf and all other overt religious symbols from state schools.

The bill was passed by 494 votes to 36. It now goes to the upper house, the Senate, for approval.

The wearing of Jewish skullcaps, large Christian crosses and probably Sikh turbans would also be banned.

About 70% of French people back the controversial law - and even 40% of Muslim women, according to some polls.

Most French MPs backed the bill on the grounds that it protected the secularity of the French state, by keeping religion out of the classroom.

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Well, suppose its kind-of-official now:


Quote[/b] ]

French MPs have voted by a massive majority to ban the Islamic headscarf and all other overt religious symbols from state schools.

The bill was passed by 494 votes to 36. It now goes to the upper house, the Senate, for approval.

The wearing of Jewish skullcaps, large Christian crosses and probably Sikh turbans would also be banned.

About 70% of French people back the controversial law - and even 40% of Muslim women, according to some polls.

Most French MPs backed the bill on the grounds that it protected the secularity of the French state, by keeping religion out of the classroom.

Quote[/b] ]The people have spoken, the bastards.

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