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Human shield?

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I know it possible but I dont know how to do it rock.gif .

But is there a way to simulate using a human shield smile_o.gif . Like when the player came within a certain distance from behind another soldier it could start a script that placed the victim 2 meters infront of the player. And is it possible to make it so that the victim would always face the same direction as the player?

I tried putting in a script with something like:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_hostage = _this select 0


_hostage setpos [(getpos player select 0),  2,(getpos player select 1)]

goto "loop"

But hte victim ended up on the other side of the island insted of 2 meters infront of the player.

Any suggestion rock.gif ?

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try something like this

_unit = _this select 0

_obj = nearestObject _unit

?("man" countType [_obj] > 0 AND _obj != player AND _obj distance player < 5 AND alive _obj): player AddAction ["Grab","Hostage.sqs"]

then for your "grabbing script -

_pos = _this

_dir = getdir player

_hostage = nearestobject _pos


_hostage setdir _dir

_hostage setpos [(getpos player select 0) + 2,(getpos player select 1), ,(getpos player select 2)]

?!(alive _hostage):Exit

goto "loop"

syntax may be off but you get the idea.

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Actually, if you constantly want it in front of you, use this line of script.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0

_unit2 = _this select 1


_dir = getdir _unit

_sin = sin (_dir) *1

_cos = cos (_dir) *1

_posX = (getpos _unit select 0)

_posY = (getpos _unit select 1)

;the rest of the script WILL work just get the + thing to work!

_Xpos = (_posX)+(_sin)

_Ypos = (_posY)+(_cos)

;the rest of the script WILL work just get the + thing to work!

_unit2 setpos [_Xpos,_Ypos,0]

_unit2 setdir getdir _unit


goto "loop"

That will put _unit2 1 metre in front of _unit1

So exec the script with

[evilman,hostage] exec "script.sqs"

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Yep that'll work but hell also be stuck in front of you without an option to drop him. Be pretty funny having a corpse in front of you the whole game.

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Could always add a function like..

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(getdammage _unit2) == 1 : exit

Right underneath loop, so that he would drop when dead, as for the action..


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Also need an option to release him if wanted. Thus the nearestobject and "man".

?("man" countType [_unit2] > 0 AND _unit2 != player AND _unit2 distance player < 2 AND alive _unit2): player AddAction ["Release","howeveryouwantitdone"]

and use the

?!(alive _unit2):exit

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Thnx all great scripts biggrin_o.gif

Now my mission is gona kick some a** biggrin_o.gif

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