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Stop "say" or "vehicleradio"

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Hi there!

I am making a vehicle addon in which missile-incoming warning sound is activated in "fired" EventHandlers.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class EventHandlers


IncomingMissile="_this select 0 vehicleRadio ""warning""";


When missiles are launched against the unit, it says "warning! warning! missile launched!". However if many missiles are launched at the same time, then this sound is played as many times as launched missiles IN SERIES!! So it takes much times until it finishes playing the warning sound.

So much so that I want to force the unit to stop playing the warning sound when new even handler is activated. And after it stops playing sound, then the new warning sound is played. No matter how many missiles are launched against this unit, it doesn't take much time to play warning sounds.

Is it possible? wink_o.gif

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