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Detection of entering any vehicle

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.... trying to detect "All Dead" on a Revive MP map. The detection must include the AI and the human players ...

Im nearly there except ..... I just discovered that players "disappear" from an "East Present" (PlayerAlive) trigger if they board a vehicle !!! *sigh* sad_o.gif

The side effect is I get an "All Dead" just because the last guy jumped in a vehicle.

Q: How can I detect if a named player has ENTERED ANY VEHICLE ?

(or is inside a vehicle inside a "Present" trigger ?)

I suspect it could be done if the vehicle was named and was manually placed into an array, to be searched .......... but thats way too hard with the number of vehicles I have !!

There's got to be an easier solution ........



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hmmmmm .... dropped that idea ....

Seem to have an answer with;





?((not isNull B8) and (!(B8 in list DeadA))) : goto "Loop"

?((not isNull B9) and (!(B9 in list DeadA))) : goto "Loop"

(... OK .... so everyone is dead ... end mission)


Bx is the named players

The trigger circle "DeadA" covers the Respawn location where players (bodies) go while waiting to be revived.

The isNull is to check that the named "playable" spot is used either an AI or a human.


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