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Synchonised takeoff with more than one helo?

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Right, after installing the beautiful BAS addons, (in this case, the delta/rangers and MH6's) I decided to get to work with some test missions. Anyway, so...

Two MH6 Little Bird's are sitting on the runway to the south-west of Nogova and two 4 man squads of Delta's are heading towards the helos.

I have set up the helos that are assigned to each delta squad to NOT TAKE OFF until all 4 men are aboard. Now, is there a way so that Helo 2 will not take off (even if it is fully laden with the squad) until the entire squad for helo 2 is aboard? While I have set up the distances so that if you run for helo 1 and jump in, then wait for your squad to get in with you, (You're not the leader, by the way) I cannot trust that everyone who will play this mission will have the right idea. And so, if they linger or whatever, Helo 2 will take off before Helo 1, and the mission will be botched. (It's a surprise assault.)

If I am not making sense, it's because I have quickly typed this up before retiring for bed. (And yes, I did search for way to solve this, but I couldn't find it. Which... is why I'm posting this.)

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Can you simply synchronise the two LOAD waypoints for the Littlebirds? The problem with that might be that the LB's LOAD waypoints are probably already synched with the Deltas' GET IN waypoints. Try it anyway, I guess...

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I had already tried that, but to no avail, sadly. I also tried to synch the "GET IN" waypoints with the two teams, but that caused both teams to sit around and watch their rides take off without them. (Such professional chaps...)

Anyway... surely there's a way to script it, right? Like... say I name the group I am in "Kilo1" and have it so that when all 4 members of "Kilo1" have moved in cargo with Star91, (My Little Bird) Star95 takes off? I have absolutely zero knowledge with this stuff, so feel free to point and laugh.

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What about creating a trigger

condition: count crew Chopper1 == (Number of people to board, including pilot)

on activation: OtherChopperTakeOff = True

And then as the condition of the first waypoint of the other chopper


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Using multiple computercontrolled choppers in formation is a scary thing.

I once did a mission where two squads where airdropped outside Lipany (on Nogova) and had the air support of two Mi-17. The mission was to liberate Lipany, which was defended by 150 or so men, two Bradleys, two M113 and five jeeps with MG's and some unarmed vehicles. These units have random movements and a fairly good AI (once they pinpoint the ground troups it gets hard...). The Mi-17s should take care of the thick skinned vehicles and provide air support for the ground troops.

This mission was designed to be a coop multiplayer mission, so when testing it alone it was hard. After spending way too much time testing the lose-triggers, I decided I needed some help, so just for testing purposes I added four squads of six Hinds each with orders to search and destroy around Lipany. They were placed far apart (so that they should not collide). Of these 24 choppers, 8 collided when trying to get into formation, 10 collided in midair over Lipany, 2 where shot down by friendly fire and the remaining 4 crashed into the church tower (talk about having the protection of the church...), and I still had to go in on foot and clean out the remaining troops (10 men or so).

So, after that experience, if I ever need to do a mission with several choppers, I'll set them to fly at different altitudes and send them in a few at the time.

In other words, handle them with care.

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YES!!! I did it!

I took a few pages from tracy_t's book, but with a few exceptions.

I renamed the triggers to OCTF (Other Chopper Take Off) and instead of having the trigger for the first chopper be "OtherChopperTakeOff = True" I had it simply as "OCTF"

Now, the big problem was that the 2nd littlebird would take off to 25 ft (I had it at flyinheight 25 by default) and wait until I was onboard the 1st bird. So I set it's default flyinheight as 0, and then had it change to 25 for the first waypoint. It works a treat, and it never goes wrong. *happy*

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