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I have one question on using the laser designators.

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Ok, I'm not quite understanding how to use the laser designators. Could someone please tell me the steps for both a laser designator commando and an A-10 LGB pilot that is supposed to bomb the target the commando is "painting"? Also I'mnot quite understanding the advantages of a laser designator because the A-10 can already lock them onto targets, but maybe ya'll can tell me some of the special abilities of it.



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Is it the pilot AI that isn't hitting the target correctly, or is the problem within the laser-guided bombs themselves? Either way, it's quite a sight to see an A-10 drop a bomb "over" (where "over" means a good 200 meters off) where your "painting" while it's flying too low. What happens is that the too-low flying A-10 is caught in the large bomb blast, and the plane is destroyed (and the pilot is killed, evidently, as he doesn't eject). Anyways, the now-destroyed A-10 with its dead pilot does a lazy climb upwards as its smoking from the tail, and eventually plummets to the ground.

Heck, I even just use the laser designator to watch inept AI pilots blow themselves out of the sky doing lazy upward loops.

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The bomb is deadly if delivered properly and it can destroy ANY TANKS or MULTIPLE tanks in the game with a single hit. If the bomb land beside or near it, all the crew will inside will be toast! Any infantry caught in the 100m blast radius will have a free ticket to heaven The AI suck big time with the bombs but occasionally the do score a direct hit. After some practice, I can score 100% hit with those suckers and you dun need the laser target stuff, just your shift button! : )

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How do you deliver it properly or release it at the right time? Are the LGBs actually making an effort to aim themselves toward the laser target? Or do you prefer to do it the good ol' "Well, if I'm moving this fast at this altitude, and my target is a certain distance away and traveling at a constant velocity, then..." method?

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Ok. this involved a little bit of physic here. I wil try my best to explain it so that you will have a perfect hit.

To lock on to the target, make sure your nose is facing down towards the target, press the Shift key to lock on it, a white diamond should appear on the target.

Now pull up slowly and LISTEN UP:

Make sure you are flying leveled and straight, not turning or whatever.

Check your Altitude and it has to be at least 40

When you are about 100-80 in range of the target, drop the bomb and turn away, you will see the bomb go toward the target and it is SMART, it will glide to it. After doing this, you can try hitting target while turning. Rule of thumb, the Higher you are, the further from the target you have to drop the bomb.

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My experience is, I call the A10 LGB by radio to fire after I "paint" the target with the laser. The A10 "DO" shoot the target, but not by the bomb..........the AI pilot "SHOOT THE TARGET WITH THE PLANE ITSELF!"

What can I say, man................

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Ok, thnaks, the faq helped a lot. By the way, I have had no porblem hititng targets by myself by locking on. The only problem I've had is getting to close, whichi is easy because you can't fly very high because the visibility is always low and the cieling is limited to about 800 feet up. I would suggest to BIS to increase both visibility and ceiling.



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A friend of mine makes the odd A-10 mission (the one that wrote the article). His standard for making one is an immediate trigger that increases the view distance. A-10's are a bit more fun when you can see 2000m instead of 600m!

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