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I completed Red Hammer, today.

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I just completed red Hammer today. All missions were hard and fun. It's worth your time. Almoust every mission have a cutscene. Good cutscene. Interesting.

Last mission could be more fun and hard. Also, i think that there's a bug in the last mission. Red the following for more details.

-Don't read the following if u don't wan't to know what ending the campaign have!!! Those who already finish the campaign should read this. U won't know what i'm talking about, anyway.

Please tell me if i'm doing all right, because ending was really strange, though.

- U place bombs

- Hide in the hill

- U Detonate bombs

- Call Americans (they came by themselves, anyway.)

- I tried not to shoot those two officers. I abandon the base, everything. Those tho officers just looked at me and do nothing. They didn't even shot me. In notes, it says, that he'll bring officers back to the russia. I though that i'll see a cutscene, when i would reach them, like in Red down, when u capture Guba.U get command over guba in Red Down too. But nothing, here. The only thing i can do is to shot them. so, i shot them, enbark boat and leave the area. I get mission completed and the text saying that they'll looked at me strange because i killed the officers. Did i have a choice, to take them with me. NO. There is a bug. I'm almoust sure.

U see the ending credits, and over.

Overall. Campaign is great.

I still think that Bohemia campaign is better. But don't think that Red Hammer is bad, now. U're commanding soldiers from the second mission on. Only in the first mission you're in commnd by the computer. It's a great campaign for those who wan't challange. Missions are far harder then BIS campaign. It takes longer to complete them too. Bad thing is that u have only one night mission and even there u have AK74. Some bizon would be nice. But, doesn't matter if u have AK. The mission was still great. character reminds me on Gastavski. He can controll every vehicle around him.

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 11:17 pm on Dec. 7, 2001)

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I still can't get it where I'm at atm. But despite what you've heard all my sources said that it was a 20 mission campaign.

I haven't spotted where you can DL the upgrade though.

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It will be avaible to download as soon as possible. I heard that they are still working on some download and pay technology. Should be avaible, soon.

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Are there any missions like Revenge or battlefields (large scale battles) in Red Hammer?

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Everything is large. U'll have command over 12 soldiers in one mission and lots of enemies. Missions are long.One mission, i think last 1 hour for me. On on Kolgujev. u have to destroy lots of tanks, ammo bases, chopper bases, all by your own. U have an ordinary weapon, but u can change it soon by SVD dragunov in ammo crats. This was my best mission.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from SpaceAlex on 1:55 am on Dec. 7, 2001

Everything is large. U'll have command over 12 soldiers in one mission and lots of enemies. Missions are long.One mission, i think last 1 hour for me. On on Kolgujev. u have to destroy lots of tanks, ammo bases, chopper bases, all by your own. U have an ordinary weapon, but u can change it soon by SVD dragunov in ammo crats. This was my best mission.<span id='postcolor'>

Bought it today. Have no time to play though. Being a family man realy sucks some times!

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Me want! me want!! Me want!!!

What´s that? ohh my Visa card.. *click click click click..*

Going to buy the Gold upgrade from the UK I guess smile.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from brgnorway on 2:16 am on Dec. 7, 2001

Bought it today. Have no time to play though. Being a family man realy sucks some times!

<span id='postcolor'>

You should divorce then smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from SpaceAlex on 3:10 am on Dec. 6, 2001

I just completed red Hammer today. All missions were hard and fun. It's worth your time. Almoust every mission have a cutscene. Good cutscene. Interesting.

OFP.org says that there is 26 missions. I only get 20 missions.

Last mission could be more fun and hard. Also, i think that there's a bug in the last mission. Red the following for more details.

-Don't reed the following if u don't wan't to know what ending the campaign have!!! Those who already finish the campaign should read this. U won't know what i'm talking about, anyway.

Please tell me if i'm doing all right, because ending was really strange, though.

- U place bombs

- Hide in the hill

- U Detonate bombs

- Call Americans (they came by themselves, anyway.)

- I tried not to shoot those two officers. I abandon the base, everything. Those tho officers just looked at me and do nothing. They didn't even shot me. In notes, it says, that he'll bring officers back to the russia. I though that i'll see a cutscene, when i would reach them, like in Red down, when u capture Guba.U get command over guba in Red Down too. But nothing, here. The only thing i can do is to shot them. so, i shot them, enbark boat and leave the area. I get mission completed and the text saying that they'll looked at me strange because i killed the officers. Did i have a choice, to take them with me. NO. There is a bug. I'm almoust sure.

U see the ending credits, and over.

Overall. Campaign is great.

I still think that Bohemia campaign is better. But don't think that Red Hammer is bad, now. U're commanding soldiers from the second mission on. Only in the first mission you're in commnd by the computer. It's a great campaign for those who wan't challange. Missions are far harder then BIS campaign. It takes longer to complete them too. Bad thing is that u have only one night mission and even there u have AK74. Some bizon would be nice. But, doesn't matter if u have AK. The mission was still great. character reminds me on Gastavski. He can controll every vehicle around him.

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 4:35 am on Dec. 6, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>


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my local PC world doesn't have it in stock, I have some vouchers for that place so I'm not buying it elswhere with my hard earned cash...........BUT I'm looking forward to it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Gorgi Knootewoot on 10:51 am on Dec. 7, 2001

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">


<span id='postcolor'>

What a genious!!! Wait. Did i write Red down confused.gif

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i am being tortured sad.gif

my sister has bought red hammer for me as a christmas present, so its in the house and i cant play it for another 18 days sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Op on 7:12 pm on Dec. 7, 2001

i am being tortured sad.gif

my sister has bought red hammer for me as a christmas present, so its in the house and i cant play it for another 18 days sad.gif

<span id='postcolor'>

LOL!!! Does she still belive in santa.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FireFox on 7:54 pm on Dec. 7, 2001

There is something not right about that end mission.

Alamo was fun wink.gif

<span id='postcolor'>

I agree. Read my first post. All details are there. Some triggers are messed up in that mission. Americans are shooting at you sometimes, you can't take those two officers with u, no final cutscene......

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 9:46 pm on Dec. 7, 2001)

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Yeah, for me it was easy and over fast.

Planted bombs and grabbed some more charges, moved to hill. Set all off and boom, then took out mg chap and saw some guys running down to the base (Americans), used the radio trigger anyways after having some problems due to 0 also acting as copy for some reason. Then base is clear officers dead and message ' Oh well at least they cant tell the americans lies' or something lke that. Jumped in boat and off to go with a mission complete and poor outro. Then the credits movie.

not to tricky or hard for an end mission, some nice scripting with a custom action.

about 17hrs playtime to complete the campaign over 3 days.

All good fun wink.gif

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Yes. I did the same as you. But i tried to keep officers alive, but i couldn't. I kill soldiers next to machine gun and those with sniper rifle on the hill first. Then i detonate the bombs.

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WARNING!!! This is a SPOILER below:


This is one of the easier missions:

Grab yer gear and set off down the hill. Plant your bombs in between your targets to ensure they all get taken out when you detonate.

Walk down to the beach where there is an ammo dump and a couple of guys in a boat.

Lay down on the slope behind the ammo.

Set off the bombs.

Kill the guy with the M2 in the boat.

Call in the yanks.

Wait for the two officers to appear out of the large building near where the tank is patrolling. Let them run over towards you.

When one of them is close enough, stand up and the cut scene will start.


Fantastic scripting for the outro too. All credit to BI/Codemasters for Red Hammer - I thoroughly enjoyed it! Can't wait for the next one! smile.gif


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Hm. The problem is that officers just lie down and thwy don't move and they don't shoot. When i come close to them, nothing happens.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FireFox on 1:04 am on Dec. 8, 2001


Yeah, for me it was easy and over fast.

Planted bombs and grabbed some more charges, moved to hill. Set all off and boom, then took out mg chap and saw some guys running down to the base (Americans), used the radio trigger anyways after having some problems due to 0 also acting as copy for some reason. Then base is clear officers dead and message ' Oh well at least they cant tell the americans lies' or something lke that. Jumped in boat and off to go with a mission complete and poor outro. Then the credits movie.

not to tricky or hard for an end mission, some nice scripting with a custom action.

about 17hrs playtime to complete the campaign over 3 days.

All good fun wink.gif

<span id='postcolor'>

What drugs are you on. It took me seven days of fairly solid playing but then again my PC seemed to crash more times than I got killed. I think its time I invested in some more RAM.....

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I revert the last mission, and guess what. I did it. I captured the officers. It seems that problem is that only one officer have cutscene effect on. I always shoot toe officer. That was my problem. I fell better now.

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lol smile.gif Nice outro though - did you see where Lukin kills one of his own men who gets in the way? I laughed at that...


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