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David Armstrong sounds like a black soldier...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from kobugui on 4:17 am on Dec. 7, 2001

man, this topic is out of control

can u guy ever heard the word off-topic?confused.gif?<span id='postcolor'>

What are you ranting about? As I see it this thread started of as a general thread about the game. If a discussion moves on a little bit outside the theme, then what's wrong with that?

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I’m aware of the Sami thing - its not good, but that's just another issue altogether.

Race is a physical concept. It exists through biologically transmitted phenotypical traits. The only 'social construct' is the vital, life essential rights needed for its continued existence, its life.

The moral presumption is, of course, in favour of life, instead of death.

Why do I support racial life - as practical matter Nordish racial life - Think of the each and every individual with the physical traits of that race, each unique yet each still a part of a greater group sharing the same average phenotype. Think of the beautiful and wonderful people of the Nordish race (pick some good lookin' chicks n' guys Hehe) that will no longer exist on this planet in future. Thats my reason for supporting continued existence over certain death!

(Edited by fixOPFsoundsplease at 9:11 am on Dec. 7, 2001)

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Here's some of those "racial rights" I yabbered about, enjoy (bleh!):

1. All races have a right to be unique and different, to be themselves, and to love, value and be proud of what they are.

2. All races have a right to have their existence and identity recognized, respected and protected, to define, affirm and celebrate their existence and identity, and to promote their legitimate rights and interests.

3. All races have a right to racial life, a right to live, a right to exist as what they are and preserve what they are, a right to exist as a separate form of life, and a right to the conditions they require for continued life, existence and evolution.

4. All races have a right to independence and peaceful self-determination, to racial freedom and liberty, to separate development, to exclusive control of their own life and existence, their own future and destiny, free from domination, control or interference by other races.

5. All races have a right to their own living space or territory, to possession of their own racial homeland, to exist within secure borders, to have and hold their own country, separate from and exclusive of other races, as a condition required for both their continued life and independence.

6. All races have a right to self-government, to their own sovereign and fully independent government to govern their own country, their own life and existence, and determine their own future.

7. All races have a right to the affections and loyalties, love and care of their members, and this right takes precedence over any ideology -- or system of beliefs and values -- that would promote disaffection or alienation of loyalties, or censure racial love and caring.

8. All races have a right to exclusive control over the creation, upbringing, development and education of their own children, to control over their own reproduction -- the renewal of their racial life, the transmission of their genes and culture to successor generations -- free of interference by other races.

9. All races have a right to racial integrity, to exclusivity, reproductive isolation and geographic separation, to be free, safe and secure from the racially destructive effects of racial intermixture and replacement.

10. All races have a right to the material product of their own creation, and to use that product for their own benefit, free of any claim upon it by other races.

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Another thing called a the racial Golden Rule:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The anti-Nordish double standard of the dominant culture and morality, sacrificing the vital rights of the Nordish race to serve the non-vital rights of other races, creates conditions so adverse to Nordish life that they can be described as genocidal, or "race-killing," in effect. It is opposed to the conditions of separation and independence required for continued Nordish life, hostile to vital Nordish rights and interests, and discouraging to Nordish reproduction. It does not consider the Nordish race, or its continued existence, to be valuable or important. It belittles the Nordish race, its culture and its achievements, to foster the perception that its loss would be a small loss, and its replacement by other races a positive development.

The Racial Golden Rule is the only morality fully consistent with opposition to genocide. It actually goes beyond opposition to genocide, as it is the only morality truly committed to the right to racial life, and to the conditions required for racial preservation, independence and freedom. But the dominant racial nihilist culture and morality, with its anti-Nordish double standard, uses allegations of past genocidal actions to deny the Nordish race the conditions required for its continued life, and to justify its genocide, while any resistance by Northern Europeans to the genocide of their race, and support for the conditions it needs to live, is portrayed as leading to the genocide of other races. This hypocritical position is the result of a reductionist form of reasoning, which reduces all thought on the subject of genocide to just two extreme alternatives -- either racial intermixture or racial conflict and mass murder. Both of these alternatives are racially destructive and genocidal. The possibility of another alternative, the alternative of the Racial Golden Rule, opposing racial destruction and genocide in any form and by any means, dedicated to racial preservation, the right to racial life and the right of all races to the conditions of racial separation and independence required for life, is not considered.<span id='postcolor'>

Its pretty much describing in that short paragraph the usage of "Hitler" type smears to discredit any attempt at Nordish preservation.

And you seem to have the nack for naming Nordish immorality, with Sami.  I guess we can just look at Mugabe? He has driven all Nords out of his country, Mugabe is immorally racist, and yes, perhaps only using race as a political tool. (still immorally racist though)

(Edited by fixOPFsoundsplease at 9:26 am on Dec. 7, 2001)

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BTW, you guys - If you are physically northern European then you are a member of the Nordish Nation. These countries (all northern Euro countries!, includes America and Aussie/NZealand too), only serve your enemy Nord man!

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I think that "Hammer" sounds like a 8 year old girl with a cold.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from fixOPFsoundsplease on 9:16 am on Dec. 7, 2001

Here's some of those "racial rights" I yabbered about, enjoy (bleh!):

1. All races have a right to be unique and different, to be themselves, and to love, value and be proud of what they are.

2. All races have a right to have their existence and identity recognized, respected and protected, to define, affirm and celebrate their existence and identity, and to promote their legitimate rights and interests.

3. All races have a right to racial life, a right to live, a right to exist as what they are and preserve what they are, a right to exist as a separate form of life, and a right to the conditions they require for continued life, existence and evolution.

4. All races have a right to independence and peaceful self-determination, to racial freedom and liberty, to separate development, to exclusive control of their own life and existence, their own future and destiny, free from domination, control or interference by other races.

5. All races have a right to their own living space or territory, to possession of their own racial homeland, to exist within secure borders, to have and hold their own country, separate from and exclusive of other races, as a condition required for both their continued life and independence.

6. All races have a right to self-government, to their own sovereign and fully independent government to govern their own country, their own life and existence, and determine their own future.

7. All races have a right to the affections and loyalties, love and care of their members, and this right takes precedence over any ideology -- or system of beliefs and values -- that would promote disaffection or alienation of loyalties, or censure racial love and caring.

8. All races have a right to exclusive control over the creation, upbringing, development and education of their own children, to control over their own reproduction -- the renewal of their racial life, the transmission of their genes and culture to successor generations -- free of interference by other races.

9. All races have a right to racial integrity, to exclusivity, reproductive isolation and geographic separation, to be free, safe and secure from the racially destructive effects of racial intermixture and replacement.

10. All races have a right to the material product of their own creation, and to use that product for their own benefit, free of any claim upon it by other races.

<span id='postcolor'>

Why don't you just change "all races" into all people/cultures?

Secondly - you really have to explain to me why there has to be a special quality attached to being "nordic", because being whatever you call it doesn't make you any better than other people. In my eyes you're a racist!

(Edited by brgnorway at 5:48 am on Dec. 8, 2001)

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close your eyes for one minute and imagine a world without borders, without nations and without cultures....

a world where everyone even speaks the same language and with the same accent...the only difference would be the "race" as you put it...the skincolor.

now, imagine that you start up in the north, in scandinavia..in what we call sweden in out less perfect world...but in this imagined world this place as no name.

you walk around the globe, you walk untill you come to africa, you cross china and the mideast while your travelling..and stop as you are in what we call africa in our less perfect world..

after you seen the different "races"...where would you put the line as you create your new racial borders?

point is, how dark are you allowed to be before you are "a another race"?...is there a set limit?

if you find such a limit, them im sure you will be able to set a limit on how little hair a man can have before he is by definition bald...50.000 "hairs" = bald...50.001 "hairs" = not bald.

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I look at it like this,

WE ARE ALL HUMAN! some people have better SUNTANS than OTHERS smile.gif

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Pete you're an idealist. A bald man is bald. A white man is white. A black man is black. Sure there are some cases where you wonder what his culture is. But do you really dream of a world without culture? For if we don't have culture, what have we got?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from residuum on 7:20 pm on Dec. 9, 2001

Pete you're an idealist.  A bald man is bald.  A white man is white.  A black man is black.  Sure there are some cases where you wonder what his culture is.  But do you really dream of a world without culture?  For if we don't have culture, what have we got?<span id='postcolor'>

But should it matter?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from residuum on 5:37 am on Dec. 10, 2001

it shouldn't matter in hiring people, or selling them a house, etc.  But if we were all teh same and without culture we'd be like drones.<span id='postcolor'>

Culture is not "a thing". It's not a programme that tells you what to do. Besides, the variety within, what some people like to call culture, is just as large as between cultures.

Look to USA. They are very united these days, so one can asume they at least share som cultural traits. Yet the american population could be said to be very diverse to say the least!

Now what does that tell you?

(Edited by brgnorway at 6:01 am on Dec. 10, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from residuum on 6:22 am on Dec. 10, 2001

That you made my head hurt.<span id='postcolor'>

Hehe - funny guy. It made my head hurt too!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from residuum on 7:20 pm on Dec. 9, 2001

Pete you're an idealist.  A bald man is bald.  A white man is white.  A black man is black.  Sure there are some cases where you wonder what his culture is.  But do you really dream of a world without culture?  For if we don't have culture, what have we got?

<span id='postcolor'>

you missed my point.

when is a bald man bald......how much hair can he have before he is officially bald?

where is the borderline, when is the limit?

sure a black man is black (really brown) and a white man is white (pink?)..but you have missed all the nuances in between...probably cos it would be difficult to pinpoint who is black and who is not...where is the limit of how dark you can be before you belong to a other race?

you want to keep a "clean race"?..move to a mountain and f**k your sisters...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from WisdoM on 12:09 am on Dec. 3, 2001

wow, it appears we have a racist bastard.

<span id='postcolor'>

I've been called racist many-a-time.

I call myself a conservative sex-hungry, swearing, masturbating, Christain-boy. I'm not racist, I call a spade a spade. If you're a d**k

hole to me, I say it, black, white, or otherwise. I consider a nigger a new part of my gun club ("my" being the Tacoma gun club).

Other people call it slang to black people, though they call themselves it all the time (they being black people).

If I was to go to the YMCA and call a new join-ee a nigger I would be a racist ####### that gets banned from there.

Ironically enough, the guy I just quoted is banned from here.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Hindhunter on 5:15 pm on Dec. 6, 2001

StormCrow, you are making a complete fool of yourself without knowing it and for that I feel sorry for you. "Left wing liberals"? Bah! The most stupid thing I´ve ever heard!

Just because I´m a consious man  with an opinion regarding the selfish nature of mankind doesn´t necessarely label me with a political pre-defined title like "left-wing". I´m so tired of morons like you, thinking they are entitled to assign "Greenpeace"-tags to whoever suitable without second thoughts. What would you think of me if I called you a Nazi or right-wing follower? The fact that we live in a modern comfortable world with health-care an s**t doesn´t relieve us from the truth behind right. Oh, don´t bother to read this StormCrow because you seem too narrow minded to comprehend it.

(Edited by Hindhunter at 5:17 pm on Dec. 6, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>

Actually since you just said that, I consider you left-wing.

Liberal bastard.


I really don't care about politics myself, since they're all corrupt now anyway.

The best kind of law-organization I see in the WORLD is Germany, but since it's so overpopulated anyway it doesn't matter.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from OBiJuan on 1:50 am on Dec. 3, 2001

Nowadays if you even mention race, you are a racist.  If you even mention someone's sex, you are a sexist.  It seems some people want us to become robots and refer to each other as units... but then again, someone would still have a problem with that...

<span id='postcolor'>

Thats so true! i just fealt i had to comment on how cool that is that you recognized that too.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Pete on 11:45 am on Dec. 8, 2001

close your eyes for one minute and imagine a world without borders, without nations and without cultures....

a world where everyone even speaks the same language and with the same accent...the only difference would be the "race" as you put it...the skincolor.<span id='postcolor'>

Booooooriiiiiiiing. biggrin.gif

Thanks for the comment Mr. Lennon biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from PV on 8:03 am on Dec. 17, 2001

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Pete on 11:45 am on Dec. 8, 2001

close your eyes for one minute and imagine a world without borders, without nations and without cultures....

a world where everyone even speaks the same language and with the same accent...the only difference would be the "race" as you put it...the skincolor.<span id='postcolor'>

Booooooriiiiiiiing.  biggrin.gif

Thanks for the comment Mr. Lennon biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

yep, it would be very boring.

it was not my point tho...just wanted to point out that skincolor changes gradually the longer south/north you go.

differnt cultures and traditions are cool, our traditions change now and become new ones...its nothing new, we dont sacrifice slaves to ancient gods anymore even if we did that once.......i cant see why people are so worried about our culture...there will always be different local traditions and cultures...no matter how much you mix people from different "races" or cultures.

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Yeah, you know what? I hate everyone equally...so f*ck it all! HAHA...pull this race card sh*t out....god...

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