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Highbenchmarks=kiss of death

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Two of us that play Resistance; each have  two PC's one low spec and one high spec, in both cases a benchmark of over 5K seems to lead to no end of trouble especially with addons.

the low spec 3k seem unburstable one has a res addon folder with over a gig of addons whereas the highend pair if they do not go into greenscreen mode  or crash they throw a wobbly at more than a handful of addons.

So anyone out there dont trash your old PC when the all singing dancing model arrives .

Just save it for HL2.

Its going to be a long slogwaiting for OFP2

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My benchmark is 5500+ and I've never had a single problem with OFP since 1.0.

There is a new patch coming out for OFP and they are trying to address the issues with newer hardware. If your high end system is crashing with lots of addons, send BIS your 'flashpoint.rpt' files along with your system specs and a summary of what happened.

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Specifically follow these instructions if you are experiencing crashes:

Quote from one of the developers:

Quote[/b] ]What would help me very much is that each player who encounters any crash could send his context.bin and Flashpoint.rpt both to support@bistudio.com. We already fixed a lot of crashes based on reports like this during OFP developement and support. If you can send me those files right after the crash, it is the best, but if not, even older files can be helpfull.

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point Taken, I will try and forward info for the common good.

But the dreaded green screen is the ultimate wind up


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How is a high benchmark a kiss of death?!? I've got a benchmark close to 7000 and I don't have problems.

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