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Playmove can avoid a return to default anim

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Yesterday I found something very weird about animations...

It's about "fxexecutiondead", that's the dying-version of "fxexecution". Both are switchmove commands.

The problem with some of those commands is that they don't stay in the animation, even with stop or dostop or switchmove ""...the unit returns back to the default animation.

You can work with loops ofcourse but sometimes that doesn't work either.

Now, when i do this in a script :

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_unit switchmove "fxexecution"


_unit playmove "fxexecutiondead"

Now the unit stays on he's knees!

Normaly playmove "fxexecutiondead" does'nt work, but it doesn't matter, cause now I use it  to avoid him to go back to his default animation. Also the unit can do other animation(s) after the playmove...all you have to do is to check how long the animation plays before it turns back.

Now "fxexecutiondead" itself is one of those animations that won't stay. When I want him executed from the front I do this :

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;[unitname] exec "executedintheface.sqs"

_unit = _this select 0

_unit switchmove "fxexecution"


_unit playmove "fxexecutiondead"

@!alive _unit

_unit switchmove "handguncrouchdying"

That looks great!

When I want him shot in the neck it's different and it doesn't look so good...

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;[unitname] exec "executedintheneck.sqs"

_unit = _this select 0

_unit switchmove "fxexecution"


_unit playmove "fxexecutiondead"

@!alive _unit

_unit switchmove "fxexecutiondead"


_unit switchmove "civildead"

I didn't try other animations than "fxexecution", but I wont be suprised if are there are others.. But now I can make my executionscene with the captives sitting on their knees, waiting for a neckshot

well, maybe, I'm full of crap and there are much easier ways to do this, ...well... I take the chance...


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