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Big problem

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hi ive gotta problem with my island in flashpoint, where ive placed forests, trees and roads in vistor they r fine in the right place and in buldozer but when i pbo it and go on flashpoint the forests etc r not in the correct place plz help

here's a few pics 2 show u wut im on about


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Did you match the pixels to the units in visitor?. Both 128 x 128 I mean...

Using a 128x128 pixel heightmap with a 256x256 'visitor unit' map will result in a different terrain resolution which will mess things up...

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How about when you started a new project in visitor?. You get the choice of which 'Dimension settings' you pick(256 x 256 is default) If you did'nt put in 128 x 128 there it will fugg up the terrain detail settings. Visitor needs one terrain height point (pixel) for every visitor unit(dimension setting). Do they match?...

You have to choose 128 x128 pixels in photoshop instead of 256 x 256, is this what you mean by pixels, or the 'units' in visitor?...

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the units in vistor no nothing was wrong with the textures its the roads and trees and well all the objects i put them in vistor look on the 3d view and its all fine everythings in place but when i pbo it and play it on flashpoint all the objects move 2 a different place and alot of them go into the water. the 128X128 is the size of the map

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yer it happened again

here are 2 pictures one in vistor and one in flashpoint


im thinking its some setting somewhere coz it seems 2 me that the objects r goin in the same place all time on every island i make this island is 256X256

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test 2 wink_o.gif  :


open a paint programm

128x128 pixel RBG

fill it with black colour

paint with white your heigh of the map

add alpha channel

save as 32 bit targa (tga)


use ketgetys tga ase converter

import terrain

try it again, mayby some information are missing if you only use visitor (dont know)

here is an example tga, so you need only to begin with step 2

>> Download me <<

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ur j/k rite i have 2 make my island again, i converted that tutisland and imported it but it wiped over my island. and i have no clue wut u mean on how 2 make a height map.

i 4got 2 say 2 u that the first time i tryed makin a island using vistor it worked fine, i think it's since i did the Z: drive thing that fixed all the problems with textures and things but then this started happening

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k i had a working map be4 but the only problem was the textures they just came out white then i made the Z: drive and eveything worked fine except this problem im having now

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textures white?

check where the textures are

check if the path is in system preference

and if the transitional texture are paa or pac(options)

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