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Snypir's support pack, need help

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I'm trying to set up a pre-planned artillery mission, but when I try I get an error message. Here's the inti_general file:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; SP/MP Fire Spt Pack

; by snYpir

; general variables

; -----------------

; here you can make the spt pack only look for particular init files

; required from version 1.28 of the spt pack onwards, otherwise init_reinforce.sqs will not load

sny_arty_var_load_init_artillery_sqs = true

sny_arty_var_load_init_closeair_sqs = true

sny_arty_var_load_init_airstrike_sqs = true

sny_arty_var_load_init_extraction_sqs = true

sny_arty_var_load_init_reinforce_sqs = true

; one target marker (must exist on map, a marker of any colour and type)

sny_arty_var_TargetMarker = "mTarget"

sny_arty_var_TargetMarkerType = "SNY_target"

sny_arty_var_TargetMarkerColour = "ColorBlack"

; the delay before a 'request support' radio message is cancelled

; this is used to prevent a single player preventing all other players of the same side

; from calling artillery. After this many seconds the range circles will clear and artillery

; will be available to all once again

sny_arty_var_range_circles_timeout = 20

; you can turn off range markers here. DO THIS IF YOU ARE RUNNING THE SPT PACK ON A SLOW LAN.

sny_arty_var_show_range_circles = true

; find clear landing position in extractions? you may want turn turn this off on dense islands

sny_arty_var_find_clear_lz = true

; show dust effects?

sny_arty_var_show_shell_dust_effects = true

sny_arty_var_show_helo_dust_effects = true

; colour of dust ("DUST","GRASS","SAND" or "DESERT")

sny_arty_var_dust_colour = "GRASS"

; array of laser designator types

; assumes that they all create a "LaserTarget" as per the BIS laser designator

sny_arty_var_laser_types = ["LaserDesignator","LaserDesignatorOH","BAS_Soflam"]

; group setup

; -----------

; GroupIDs for fire control officers (automatically created) - for radio message mainly

sny_arty_var_firecontrol_west_id = ["Hotel","GroupColor0"]

sny_arty_var_firecontrol_east_id = ["Hotel","GroupColor0"]

sny_arty_var_firecontrol_resistance_id = ["Hotel","GroupColor0"]

sny_arty_var_firecontrol_civilian_id = ["Hotel","GroupColor0"]

; make true to allow ALL players in a group to call artillery. Make false to only allow the leader.

; Careful - if AI is the leader, support will essentially be unavilable (AI can't call arty)

sny_arty_var_allow_all_to_call = true

; radio setup

; -----------

; if you have SEB Nam Pack 2, the following radio types are available:

; "sebprc25"

; "sebtyp63"

; radio setup - does a radio weapon have to exist in a player's group in order to call arty?

sny_arty_var_require_radio = true

; radio setup - enter types of radios that must be in this players group in order to

; be able to call arty (ensure sny_arty_var_require_radio equals true above also)

sny_arty_var_radio_types = ["sebprc25","sebtyp63"]

; radio setup - which sides can see which radio triggers, and what are the messages?

; -1 for not used

; channel ALPHA - 1

; channel BRAVO - 2

; channel CHARLIE - 3

; channel DELTA - 4

; channel ECHO - 5

; channel FOXTROT - 6

; channel GOLF - 7

; channel HOTEL - 8

; channel INDIA - 9

; channel JULIET - 10

sny_arty_var_radio_west = 7

sny_arty_var_radio_west_msg = "Request Support"

sny_arty_var_radio_east = 8

sny_arty_var_radio_east_msg = "Request Mortars"

sny_arty_var_radio_resistance = 9

sny_arty_var_radio_resistance_msg = "Request Support"

sny_arty_var_radio_civilian = 10

sny_arty_var_radio_civilian_msg = "Request Support"

; a misc radio channel

sny_arty_var_radio_misc = 1

; allow the player to choose the debus type for alternate drop-offs (with regards to extractions)?

; if not, the definition in init_extraction.sqs is used

sny_arty_var_allow_user_to_select_dropoff_method = false

; use the action menu as well as the radio to call support?

; you can make the radio channels above all -1 (except for the misc radio channel)

; if you are using this

; be aware that support will not be available in vehicles, however

sny_arty_var_action_activate = false

; pre-defined fire missions

; -------------------------

; these will automatically be initiated at the start of the mission

; the commented out definitions are examples

; format:

; _predefined_array = [

; 0 - mission name (from init file) - STRING

; 1 - duration - NUMBER

; 2 - start time (use decimal time, ie 7.5 is 07:30). Use 0 for immediately. - NUMBER

; 3 - position of target - ARRAY ([NUMBER,NUMBER])

; 4 - calling side - SIDE

; ]

; INDEX => 0 1 2 3 4



;_predefined_closeair1 = ["Apache Flight",120,0,getpos tank,west]

;_predefined_closeair2 = ["Mi24 Flight", 120,0,getpos tank,east]

;_predefined_arty1 = ["105mm (HE)", 120, 5.55,getpos tank,west]

;_predefined_extract1 = ["Huey", 0, 0,[7941.222656,4672.583496,0],west]

;_predefined_closeair3 = ["A10",120,0,getpos tank,west]

;_predefined_airstrike = ["Napalm",120,0,getpos tank,west]

; plug the above arrays into sny_arty_var_predefined_array here

_predefined_arty1 =["105mm (HE)", 120, 5.55,getpos t1,west]

Any thoughts? thanks in advance. smile_o.gif

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What's the error message?  Change it to this and it should work:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; INDEX =>               0               1   2 3                                           4



;_predefined_closeair1 = ["Apache Flight",120,0,getpos tank,west]

;_predefined_closeair2 = ["Mi24 Flight",  120,0,getpos tank,east]

_predefined_arty1 =     ["105mm (HE)",  120, 5.55,getpos tank,west]

;_predefined_extract1 =  ["Huey",    0,  0,[7941.222656,4672.583496,0],west]

;_predefined_closeair3 = ["A10",120,0,getpos tank,west]

;_predefined_airstrike = ["Napalm",120,0,getpos tank,west]

; plug the above arrays into sny_arty_var_predefined_array here

sny_arty_var_predefined_array = [_predefined_arty1]

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CORRECTION: Sorted! Got to watch my syntax.

Many thanks!


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where do you find an arty script

for use with 1.75+ NO ADDONS

if you can give it to me in .txt form that would be best

thanx in advance

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