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Where did my hunting rifle go?

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">picture equip\w\w_huntingrifle.paa not found

There is no picture in the breifing. And the rifle doesn't appear in my hands! I can fire the rifle, but the bullet goes on a 90 degree angle off to my right side. And there are no iron sights.

I noticed this a while ago, so I re-installed. But now it's happening again. I have a hunch it's an addon doing this, but does anything if it is? And if so which one?

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I would say 99% likely it is an addon causing this. You may have to remove all 3rd party addons from your installation, and then add them back one at a time until you find the culprit. It's a major pain-in-the-ass, I know - very similar thing happened to me with gunner animations a while back. sad_o.gif

Just out of interest, though, check that your o_wp.pbo file isn't missing or corrupted...

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Did it.  I did it in chunks to make it faster.  Started with Keg, MAF, BAS, CoC.  Then other addons.

I narrowed it down to a final addon, and the addon that seems to have been causing it was "BAR_safari"

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