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The black is invading

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on flashpoint all of my trees have black squares on each section, its blocking my view and looks horrible from above. it happens on the official maps aswell.

But for islands such as wake island by the aia mod, where its all covered in trees, the black just fills the whole island up and its driving me insane crazy_o.gif

plz plz plz plz tell me what to do before some men in hite coats take me away sad_o.gif

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not in FAQ, need help still plz,

What's not in The FAQ? You mean The FAQ item didn't help? rock.gif Or did you not realize that I'm talking about my FAQ - not BIS'. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]i can see white coats at my window

Sorry, you're on your own there. tounge_o.gif

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I used to have black squares on terrain when i instaled resistance, got rid of them by messing around with the game video settings, maybe you should try that smile_o.gif .

"Out of curiosity runs to the FAQ to see what was the real cause of the black boxes crazy_o.gif ".

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