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Campaign/mission addon

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This is just an idea.

What about making a filewhatevername.pbo with editable units from where you build your missions and campains? The addon-file should be really simple, just putting new names on BIS-original units.

Quote[/b] ]

class CfgVehicles


class All{};

class AllVehicles:All{};

class Land:AllVehicles{};

class Man:Land{};

class Soldier:Man{};

class SoldierEB:Soldier{};

class temp_SoldierEB:SoldierEB


vehicleClass="temp units";



and so on....

So when you place a unit on the map making your mission you choose one from the "temp units".

Why do this?

Well, if I make a good mission/campain that you want to play with units of your choice, you can change all the units in my addon-file to whatever you want. If you want to play with BIS-units then you dont do anything, just play.

If you already changed the addon-file to suit you, the next mission from a missionmaker using this method is already fixed!

What do you think?

If you get the idea...

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