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Problem with description.ext

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As many of you know, Pulse Studios are creating a '007 James Bond' mission for OFP. Let's get straight to the problem shall we?:

Here is my original description.ext:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">onloadintro = "Nogova, High Security Airfield..."

onloadmission = "James Bond 007 starring in...Death & Defiance"

onloadoutro = "On to more pleasant business..."

debriefing = 1

showWatch = 1

showCompass = 1

showNotepad = 1

showGPS = 1

showMap = 1

onLoadIntroTime = true

class CfgMusic


tracks[]={Bond, Day, Gun, Twice};

class Bond


name = "Bond";

sound[] = {\music\Bond.ogg, db+105, 1.0};


class Day


name = "Day";

sound[] = {\music\Day.ogg, db+50, 1.0};


class Gun


name = "Gun";

sound[] = {\music\Gun.ogg, db+500, 1.0};


class Twice


name = "Twice";

sound[] = {\music\Twice.ogg, db+500, 1.0};



class CfgSounds


sounds[] = { Qbrief, scara, scara2, scara3, bond, bond1, Blur };

class Qbrief


name = "Qbrief";

sound[] = {"Qbrief.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice



class scara


name = "scara";

sound[] = {"scara.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice1



class scara2


name = "scara2";

sound[] = {"scara2.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice2



class scara3


name = "scara3";

sound[] = {"scara3.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice3



class bond


name = "bond";

sound[] = {"bond.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice4



class bond1


name = "bond1";

sound[] = {"bond1.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice5



Here is what I recently added:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {Blur.ogg};

class Blur.ogg


name = "Blur - Song 02";

sound[] = {"Blur.ogg", db+40, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_speech1




Now everytime I try to load/save the mission, it keeps saying:

Quote[/b] ]\jamesbond.Noe\description.ext/CfgSounds/CfgSounds/:'.' encountered instead of '{'

Can someobody please tell me how to correct this as soon as possible, so I can get the mision out to you guys!

Thanks in advance!

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change "Blur - Song02"


"Blur" or "BlurSong02"

I think the hyphen "-" is causing your error.

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I changed the name, and messed about with it so it looks similar to teh others and now it says:

Quote[/b] ]

\jamesbond.Noe\description.ext/CfgSounds/:'.' encountered instead of '{'

Here is the description.ext now. I really can't find any '.'s where there should be '{'s:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

onloadintro = "Nogova, High Security Airfield..."

onloadmission = "James Bond 007 starring in...Death & Defiance"

onloadoutro = "On to more pleasant business..."

debriefing = 1

showWatch = 1

showCompass = 1

showNotepad = 1

showGPS = 1

showMap = 1

onLoadIntroTime = true

class CfgMusic


tracks[]={Bond, Day, Gun, Twice};

class Bond


name = "Bond";

sound[] = {\music\Bond.ogg, db+105, 1.0};


class Day


name = "Day";

sound[] = {\music\Day.ogg, db+50, 1.0};


class Gun


name = "Gun";

sound[] = {\music\Gun.ogg, db+500, 1.0};


class Twice


name = "Twice";

sound[] = {\music\Twice.ogg, db+500, 1.0};



class CfgSounds


sounds[] = { Qbrief, scara, scara2, scara3, bond, bond1, Blur };

class Qbrief


name = "Qbrief";

sound[] = {"Qbrief.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice



class scara


name = "scara";

sound[] = {"scara.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice1



class scara2


name = "scara2";

sound[] = {"scara2.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice2



class scara3


name = "scara3";

sound[] = {"scara3.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice3



class bond


name = "bond";

sound[] = {"bond.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice4



class bond1


name = "bond1";

sound[] = {"bond1.ogg", db+500, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice5



class Blur.ogg


name = "Blur Song 02";

sound[] = {"Blur.ogg", db+40, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_speech1




class CfgIdentities


class james


name = "James Bond : 007";

face = "Face7";


speaker = "Adam";

pitch = 1.05;


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