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Changing fonts

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Is there a way to change the font of the text you can write on the effects section of a trigger? I'm bored to the old dull  default white text. I checked the font tutorial found at ofp editing center but it didn't tell me much anything about how to change fonts in the game.

This is from the font tutorial:

Quote[/b] ]#define FontS "tahomaB24"

#define FontM "tahomaB36"

#define FontP "tahomaB48"

#define FontHTML "courierNewB64"

#define FontHTMLBold "courierNewB64"

#define FontMAP "courierNewB64"

#define FontMAIN "SteelfishB64"

#define FontMAINCZ "SteelfishB64CE"

#define FontTITLE "SteelfishB128"

#define FontTITLEHalf "SteelfishB64"

#define FontBOOK "garamond64"

#define FontNOTES "AudreysHandI48"

I put this to my description.ext and changed all the font names to courierNewB64 which I want to use but it didn't have any effect to the fonts in the game. what for?

And also I would like to know if it's possible to change the line on class RscTitles (in description.ext) text. I tried to use \n or <BR> but it won't work.

Anyway my goal is to get some text shown in middle of the screen in multiple lines and not to use the default font. I would use this as intro text for a campaign of mine telling what's the situation. Class RscTitles defined in description.ext would let me use any font I want but don't let me show the text in multiple lines. Trigger->effects text would let the text be shown in multiple lines with \n but won't let me change the font, argh. crazy_o.gif

Any possible solutions?

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