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Adding any units or objects to LCC explodes immediately in game

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I am working on an EF mission using the Tanoa map.

I added an LCC offshore and tested it in SP with the driver's character. I works properly.


Later, I added some units to the LCC and an amphibious vehicle.

Every time I start the game the LCC explodes when loaded now. WHY?

I haven't found recent reports of this behavior, but there was an old bug like this 10+ years ago.
No idea what the fix is. Let me know please.

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Not really a bug. You can't place the vehicle in LCC via the editor (too tricky). Use instead the vehicle in vehicle functionality.
For example, adding 2 slammer tanks in cargo (with their crew or not), name the tanks tk1 tk2 (or else), then:
in init field of the LCC:

if isServer then {{this setVehicleCargo _x} count [tk1,tk2]};


Note: You have also a LCC static (in props editor) . You can place your vehicles inside, in editor, for scenery if needed.

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That doesn't work.
if isServer then {{this setVehicleCargo _x} count [tk1,tk2]};

Created a LAV-25 as variable lav1

LCC is variable name lcc1

Tried to add this to the Init for LCC1
if isServer then {{this setVehicleCargo _x} count [lav1]};

Strange. It complains about "Init missing ;"
Cleary the line ends with ";"

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if isServer then {{this setVehicleCargo _x} count [lav1]};

has two extra-invisible characters ruining the code and throwing errors. If you want to see them, just re-copy/paste your code and wrap it as code (the <> icon above). If red dots appear, your code suffers for bad usage of the forum editor (and this eternal issue).
As general rule: Copy/paste only wrapped code, then check for your own final code with the code wrap again. Eliminate all red dots (extra-characters).

That said, I don't know where does your LAV-25 come from. One sure thing, its bounding box must be OK for vehicle in vehicle with LCC. I tested with two tanks, so LAV-25 should be fine.
For just one vehicle, you don't need to loop the code for an array (single element). Just:

if isServer then {this setVehicleCargo lav1};


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Sorry, my bad, yes that does work with a single LAV.
When I add the second LAV, I am back to explosions. I like explosions but not here. 🙂

if isServer then {this setVehicleCargo lav1, lav2};

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I've seen similar issues when the vehicles or units are positioned too close to the LCC's geometry or each other, causing collisions as soon as the game starts. Try adjusting the positions slightly and make sure the amphibious vehicle isn't overlapping or colliding with anything inside the LCC. You could also try adding a slight delay or checking for mod conflicts if you're using any.

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1 hour ago, priglmeier said:

Sorry, my bad, yes that does work with a single LAV.
When I add the second LAV, I am back to explosions. I like explosions but not here. 🙂

if isServer then {this setVehicleCargo lav1, lav2};

The very first rule for scripting is to pay attention for syntax.
vehicle setVehicleCargo  cargo

where :

- vehicle is an object (LCC or variable this, referring to it in its  init field is OK).

- cargo is also an object. So lav1 or lav2 or else.

The fact is this setVehicleCargo lav1, lav2 is not correct, because lav1,lav2 is neither an object or an array of them (not expected here anyway).
You can loop, as I did for tanks:
if isServer then {{this setVehicleCargo _x} count [lav1,lav2] };


Of course, lav1 and lav2 must be ashore in editor, not in cargo space of the LCC. The command setVehicleCargo does the trick.

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On a related topic @pierremgi

I have a Infantry squad - variable osq1
I have to vehicles mse1 and mse2

If I want to have the osq1 load into vehicle mse1, what is the correct syntax?
Do I add this type of code to the osq1 group init?

group osq1 addVehicle mse1;

I have also tried to use a simple task "Get in vehicle" but it never works. The units just stand in formation and do not load.
I'm more confused about Arma's method of doing things than the code...

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Why not just drag & drop the group (icon) of the squad on the icon of the vehicle?


by code, you could use : moveInAny  (or moveInCargo if enough places) command.

{_x moveInAny mse1} count units osq1;


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You wrote: "Why not just drag & drop the group (icon) of the squad on the icon of the vehicle?"

I swear I did this and several other tests and nothing happened. That's what was making me crazy. 🙂
I will try this again... thanks

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Dragging and dropping is not working 100%. I retried it 4 more times.

This worked on the first try: {_x moveInAny mse1} count units osq1;


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