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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from madmike on 11:04 pm on Dec. 23, 2001

does GR have the SA80 because im sure someone told me it does

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Yep it does but it sucks

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Look, to all of those people who are having a shot at US for having a shot at GR....

We are merely pointing out why we dont like it, no one is saying that it is a complete waste of programming and shouldn't be touched with a 50 ft pole. We are just pointing out the reasons for disliking the game, which is exactly why this topic was set up to begin with.

And in regards to the person who pointed out the fact that you can spray suppressive fire in GR....

Whats exactly is the point? Like i said, there are NO long exchanges of bullets from both sides (like in OFP)so there isn't really any point in suppressing anyone.

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OFP needs that heavy MG stuff that I mentioned before sometime...were a proper MG team fires suppression at a suspect area.

And ill add one quick thing: Firearms (Half-Life) Mortars! givvus givvus givvus!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Drewus on 6:09 am on Dec. 24, 2001


And in regards to the person who pointed out the fact that you can spray suppressive fire in GR....

Whats exactly is the point? Like i said, there are NO long exchanges of bullets from both sides (like in OFP)so there isn't really any point in suppressing anyone.

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No, there isn't any very long firefights, but that in itself IMHO is realistic. In OFP you are engaging the enemy at 300-200m, using cover to advance etc. GR you are trying to sneek as close as you can, 100-50m or less and then all open up in an ambush. In this GR is very successful. I find the squadies in GR are very good if you use them right. They will lay down a withering wall of fire and gernades at an area, not just individual people, which the SAW is used for, area suppression. In the first map with the enemy camp I set my teams up to come from two different directions and then let them go, they shot the whole place up, tearing into the tents and everything. In OFP my LMG only to short bursts at individual targets, so it's almost like having a man with a heavy, inaccurate rifle. I would love to see where I knew there was some people in a small grove of trees, have my LMG hose the area while I flanked around with the other men and tale them out, but we are not there yet.

To the ruskie(?) I find I control my sqaud in GR very well. It's only six men so I don't split the group up at all, just two squads of 3 doing a bounding overwatch. I'm usually in Alpha and have Bravo leapfrog ahead and so on. Then use the squads to flank a enemy position, then have them open up from two different directions and I find this works quite well.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from fixOPFsoundsplease on 7:54 am on Dec. 24, 2001

Ghost Recon is an insult to the previous greatness of the Rainbow series.

Ghost Recon is rubbish.

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please if you are going to pratisipate in this thread outline why you don't like the program, using a logical arguement and then we can dialog.

I'm actually enjoying this one and the thread hasn't degraded down into namecalling in 4 pages which is quite suprising smile.gif


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Thanks for your input, DayGlow. It's posters like you who prevent the discussion from degenarating into namecalling.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from TwIce on 10:03 pm on Dec. 24, 2001

Thanks for your input, DayGlow.  It's posters like you who prevent the discussion from degenarating into namecalling.<span id='postcolor'>

ummm poopypants smile.gif

But seriously I find ghost recon to be just a bit crap the mission are poor infact the mission I onyl enjoyed was the embasy one the rest were poorly thought out. The Ai can be just a little bit dumd sometimes but ocansionly they can do quite impressive stuff.

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Are you out of your mind?....how can you even use a title like that...nothing will ever compare to this game.....not even medal of honor......

(Edited by Rogue2020 at 6:17 am on Dec. 25, 2001)

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Ghost Recon can't compare to OFP. PERIOD! I was sickedned to death almost when I saw all these PC Mags saying GHost Recon was the Best Military Shooter of all time! I have never heard suck crap ever in my Life! Ghost Recon is mildly fun. OFP is Flatout Awsome. GR wishs it could be OFP. Great Graphics don't make a game, Great Gameplay makes a good game! PERIOD! OFP is a GREAT GAME WITH UNBELIEVABLE POSSIBILITIES. GR IS A FUN GAME WITH ZERO POSSIBILITIES.


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Don't get me wrong I love OFP. It is the better of the two, but I do think the GR is a very good game in itself as well. I personally think that the graphics in OFP are amazing. The charactor models are so so, but the terrain is next to none. The glow that the game has at dawn or sunset with the long shadows streaching across the land, with rolling hills in the distance and the sea to the side struck me. I was finally imersed in a game.

What I don't like are all these threads about how OFP ROxs and GR sUxS etc. I would wish to combine the two into the ultimate game ever. All we need now is the long grass of DF2 and the games would be perfect.

One thing to remember when the games are being reviewed is that GR is a much more polished game and and is quite playable out of the box. OFP on the other hand has great potential and the community around it will make it a much better game. I've almost gave up on it because of the faulty installs and courupt files. It's the only game that has the problems. And the community here doesn't help much because they always attack people saying it is their system that is broken. I feel it somewhere more down the middle. Hardware that isn't playing nicely and a developer that is aware of the problems and choicing not to work around said problems.

All I know is that GR ai has suprised me much more than OFP. Yes my squadies can be complete morons at times, then other times quite brilliant. With OFP I find that battles are always a war of attrition. Can my men kill the enemy faster than they kill us. I usually don't have more than 1-2 guys standing at the end of a mission.

What is missing from these games IMHO is the 'fear of death' in both the AI and the player. Now I don't know how to fix this. Now in RL suppressive fire works because I don't care that the bullets are mostly flying over my head by over 30'. There is still a chance that one might hit me so I'm going to keep my head down. Now on the computer I don't have that fear because them bullets don't hurt me. See what I am saying?

In the end I like both games and will contiinue to play both. Merry Christmas.


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Merry Christmas to you too.

When I first tryed Ghost Recon. I Had the fealing of playing Rainbow 6 again while browsing the menues. Not bad i thought, even though i never played R6 alot, i still liked it.

I then started out with the training. This is where I got my first fealing of a disapointment. Even though it was a very tiny thing, I didnt like it.

Its when you move up/down on stairs etc. You actually teleport to the new height. I know it was a little thing, but i decided to stop training after this one, and play the game.

I started out the game, a bit disapointet not seeing my weapon, but i thought..oh well...

I noticed the thread indicator which, for me, was ridiculous. I know u can turn it off, but this was my first impression.

I played a little with the F-keys, and saw that I could change cameraview. But I couldnt move my man while doing this ??!!

So I thought, once again, ridiculous. When I got up at the bunker, I heard a guy talk something in a different language, and I killed him.. I thought....Cool, that was kinda great. And it also looked cool while I shot him.

I moved closer, hearing the sound of a person walking through bushes. And i killed him. Once again, i thought.... cool.

I meet a few more guys. but one thing that I wondered was..... How come I can hit them e-v-e-r-y single time, and kill them. I was on medium difficulty, but I just carried on. I got up on the highland, and found out, that those idiots actually talk to them self (That was the reason why i heard the same thing before). Thats sucky, but its cool the few first times it happends.

When i was at the highground, I noticed the trees sway in the wind which looked cool. But I fast thought how lame this was, when I meet a 10cm tall line of rocks which I couldnt walk over. The famious invisible wall of the map didnt get better rates from my heart either.

All in all.

GR is a good game. I dont think it has either better or worse graphics then OFP, because they are 2 totally different games.

OFP has alot more potential and opportunitys then GR.

I stopped playing GR short after because it was just plain boring (for me). I havent played MP which i suspect can be very fun.

It just wont tip of OFP on my top gamelist.

Theres just nothing as moving you squad against the enemy, with the hold fire on. Set ya squad to stealth, and wait until you here them see "Ready to fire". Take up you binocular, watch the time and give the command "Weapons free". Oh god thats great.

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