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wheels damage in tanks

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Is any possibility/chance to make suspension reaction on level of damage in tanks too - the idea from carX with lowering size of physix wheel is ok for tanks too (the bottom of track could be even disapear in ground like broken tyre) 

config values like:

        wheelDamageRadiusCoef = 0.8;
        wheelDamageThreshold = 0.025;
        wheelDestroyRadiusCoef = 0.65;
        wheelDestroyThreshold = 0.9;

not affect on tanks at all.

beacouse nobody add it to tanks suspensions animation sources (or even worse someone cut it off  during DEV process) and make it by external bones/scripts not work with wheel's bones (if I want for example move point of attach bones to tank with all wheels -> it is not possibile beacouse wheels of bones can'r be added to notrmal bones between wheels and main hull (" " in skeleton) so.......... BI DEVs do something with this to make them  be much better working/animated as it is now, it need only some work from DEV needed - I belive that if mod community will do it by itselft much faster then YOU  if source will be open or ingerention in some deeper parts of model mechanic /simulation models possibile (like those bones dependency).

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