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Addon organizer

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OFP 2 need some cind of addon organizer or a online addon catalog. It is so lame to surfe the net looking for the last addon that the pcakage you downloaded didn't contain.

I dont say that Bohemian or CodeMasters should host such a site. Just add functionality to the game with some sort of automatic package installer for addons. Look to Linux distros like Debian for tips.....

I want a interface that alows me to say:

A config file defining your addon servers is needed as a start (or a GUI).

The mission you are trying to start are dependent on the addon "xxx.pbo". Do you want to download and install this addon? (yes/no)


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Speaking of addons, I'd like to see a full list of addons in the addons folder(s) in OFP (ingame), then be able to load/unload them ingame. Wonder if it's doable. smile_o.gif

Don't you just hate restarting OFP for the one addon a server requires, well, maybe OFP2 can fix that? tounge_o.gif

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I think someone else might have already suggested this, but -

For OFP2 addons there ought to be a field in the config.cpp that includes download URLs...then, when you try to join a game and get kicked, OFP2 generates a small text log file that lists the addon name and download URL for the missing addon(s).

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No beacuse the server sends this info from the addon CPP to the client who fails to join. smile_o.gif (theoretically speaking)

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Well, it would also be a possibility to (optionally) automatically download the addons like for example UT does.

Another thing which I want to mention are Linux-things like rpm and apt-get which pretty much have to care about something very similar: Dependencies of packages and installing them. For the end-user something similar would be perfect but I don't know how difficult it would be for addon-makers.

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