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Need help with this

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i made my pow mission but i cant figure out how to make the pow's get in the chopper only when it arrives. snc doesnt work with the trigger or the waypoint any suggestions?

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Not to be rude or anything, but first as a suggestion, name your topics in accordance to your problem. Heeeeeealp doesn't tell us much about the problem until we click on the thread.

Second, sync should work if you sync the troop's getout waypoint and the helicopter's land waypoint. Operation Flashpoint has a very er... extensive AI system and sometimes the AI does what it wants and not what you want. But the synch does work because I have done it once a very long time ago when I was a newbie. Ironicly, I can't get it to work today. sad_o.gif

Third, use the search function and if you can't find anything to help you quote the other topics in here so people won't suggest the things that won't work.

I believe there are some good tutorials on OFPEC if you really really need to make this helicopter pickup and land you.

You would really be a hero if you made a script that used radio command to execute a script which would, make you say your cords on side chat, make a helicopter at base take off, land at your position, and fly back to base, ready for another call to be picked up by another squad. The only problem I could see is finding the name of the player who called in the radio, because you'll need to make it dynamic for the rest of the script.

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