IO Logan 0 Posted September 26 {if (! (["a3_", _x] call BIS_fnc_inString)) then {diag_log format ["%1: MODS! : %2", player, _x];} } forEach activatedAddons; I am trying to run activatedAddons for players through initPlayerLocal.sqf and log it to a dedicated server's .rpt log. However, I've hit a few walls. Most significant of which is, I believe I need the activateAddons function to run on each client but the diag_log to push to the server. I want a record of all addons players join with. The server will not use signed key validation, however I want to keep an eye the mods players choose to bring in. ArmA scripting is quite different from languages I'm used to and I'm quite confused. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites