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Best way to stop a tracked vehicle when not crew?

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Hi Folks,


I have this script that works well on wheeled APC's.


When I move to tracked APC's it no longer works - when I try to stop using this script - I hear the crew calling out numerous coordinates to move to - then the vehicle starts moving around - then backing up.


I tried doStop, commandStop, limitSpeed, forceSpeed, disableAI - nothing seems to work.


I was thinking of trying - store the original wp - then delete all wp - then create a new wp at current position - then when I want to move again - delete wp and restore saved.


Seems like a lot of work - just to get a tracked vehicle stopped.


Script in question:

_vehicle = _this select 0;
_speedMode = _this select 3;

switch (_speedMode) do {
    case 0: {
        _vehicle limitSpeed 20;
        sleep 2;
        _vehicle forceSpeed 0;
    }; // Stop
    case 1: {
	    _vehicle forceSpeed -1;
	    _vehicle limitSpeed 20
    }; // Limited
    case 2: {
	    _vehicle forceSpeed -1;
	    _vehicle limitSpeed 45
    }; // Cruise
    case 3: {
    _vehicle forceSpeed -1;
	_vehicle limitSpeed 100
	}; // Full
    case 4: { 
        hint "TRANSPORT released";
        sleep 10;
        _vehicle forceSpeed -1;
        _vehicle limitSpeed 45; 
        _group = group _vehicle;
        _waypoint = currentWaypoint _group;
        _wpPos = waypointPosition [_group, _waypoint];
        _vehicle move _wpPos;
    }; // Release





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Hi Folks,


CORRECTION: Vanilla Tracked APC's work fine. The problem is with the SOG_PF M113's - - - they just won't stop with the script posted above.



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