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SCO SP Rearm and Smart Ammo Box Scripts

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Hi Folks,


Put this together from several scripts I've been tinkering with for years. 


  • // Overview: Stock custom Ammo Boxes (crate or vehicle) with magazines from player's squad initial loadout.
  • // Overview: Provides on demand "Rearm" for Players Squad at Ammo Box. 


  • // Requires: "initAmmoCrate.sqf" in mission root folder.
  • // Requires: "Scripts\SCOammo.sqf" in root of mission folder.
  • // Requires: "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf" in root of mission folder.
  • // Requires: Init Field Entry in desired Ammo Box ===>>> null = [this] execVM "initAmmoCrate.sqf"; 


  • // Note: Only tested in single player.


  • // Given: Ammo Box can be a crate or vehicle. 
  • // Given: Smart Ammo Box [SAB] - empties selected container - then stocks with magazines from players units. 
  • // Given: Ammo Box will have addAction [Srcoll Wheel] menus assigned to order players squad to resupply.
  • // Given: Player must walk up to Ammo Box to see the menus - 4 meters. 
  • // Given: Ammo Box addAction menus only appear when not in the vehicle.
  • // Given: Players Squad must be in the area of the ammo box - 30 meters to rearm.
  • // Given: Intended for SOG_AI as if you want to rearm by Team - only Red or Green supported - otherwise just choose your whole squad.
  • // Given: Explosive Destruct for actual crate - crate deleted during explosion.
  • // Given: Explosive Destruct on vehicle - any crew will abandon and vehicle will remain destroyed.
  • // Given: Supports multiple Ammo Boxes.
  • // Given: Ammo Boxes can be moved by whatever means you like and should still work fine.
  • // Given: Should work with any assets and mods - tested on SOG_PF and Vanilla.


Any real interest and I'll put together a download and share them somewhere. For now - just cut and paste your own copies following the (4) Requirements.




// SCO Rearm Script w/ Smart Ammo Box //

// FILE: initAmmoCrate.sqf :FILE
// Author: scottb613

// Overview: Two basic functions - stock custom Ammo Boxes (crate or vehicle) with magazines from players squad.
// Overview: Provides on demand "Rearm" for Players Squad at Ammo Box. 

// Requires: initAmmoCrate.sqf in mission root folder.
// Requires: "Scripts\SCOammo.sqf" in root of mission folder.
// Requires: "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf" in root of mission folder.
// Requires: Init Field Entry in Ammo Box ===>>> null = [this] execVM "initAmmoCrate.sqf"; 

// Note: Only tested in single player.

// Given: Ammo Box can be a crate or vehicle. 
// Given: Smart Ammo Box [SAB] - empties selected container - then stocks with magazines from players units. 
// Given: Ammo Box will have addAction [Scoll Wheel] menus assigned to order players squad to resupply.
// Given: Player must walk up to Ammo Box to see the menus - 4 meters. 
// Given: Ammo Box addAction menus only appear when not in the vehicle.
// Given: Players Squad must be in the area of the ammo box - 30 meters to rearm.
// Given: Intended for SOG_AI as if you want to rearm by Team - only Red or Green supported.
// Given: Explosive Destruct for actual crate - crate deleted during explosion.
// Given: Explosive Destruct on vehicle - any crew will abandon - and vehicle will remain destroyed.
// Given: Supports multiple Ammo Boxes.
// Given: Ammo Boxes can be moved by whatever means you like and should still work fine.


private _crate = _this select 0;
private _unitArr = units group player;

// Clear all existing cargo from the crate
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
clearItemCargoGlobal _crate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate;

// Loop through each unit in the group
    private _unit = _x;

    // Add all magazines (including grenades and smokes) from unit to crate
        _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
    } forEach (magazines _unit);

    // Add 3 vanilla First Aid Kits per unit to the crate
    _crate addItemCargoGlobal ["FirstAidKit", 3];

} forEach _unitArr;

// Add actions to the crate for rearming and destructing
_crate addAction ["<t color='#98FB98'>Rearm Squad</t>", "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf", ["ALL", _crate], 1.5, true, true, "", "vehicle player == player", 4];
_crate addAction ["<t color='#98FB98'>Rearm Team Red</t>", "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf", ["RED", _crate], 1.5, true, true, "", "vehicle player == player", 4];
_crate addAction ["<t color='#98FB98'>Rearm Team Green</t>", "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf", ["GREEN", _crate], 1.5, true, true, "", "vehicle player == player", 4];
_crate addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>AMMO_BOX Destruct</t>", "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf", ["DESTRUCT", _crate], 1.5, true, true, "", "vehicle player == player", 4];

// Detect the classname of the ammo crate and display it as a hint
hint "AMMO_CRATE stocked";





// SCO Rearm Script w/ Smart Ammo Box //

// FILE: SCOammo.sqf :FILE
// Author: scottb613

// Overview: Two basic functions - stock custom Ammo Boxes (crate or vehicle) with magazines from players squad.
// Overview: Provides on demand "Rearm" for Players Squad at Ammo Box. 

// Requires: initAmmoCrate.sqf in mission root folder.
// Requires: "Scripts\SCOammo.sqf" in root of mission folder.
// Requires: "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf" in root of mission folder.
// Requires: Init Field Entry in Ammo Box ===>>> null = [this] execVM "initAmmoCrate.sqf"; 

// Note: Only tested in single player.

// Given: Ammo Box can be a crate or vehicle. 
// Given: Smart Ammo Box [SAB] - empties selected container - then stocks with magazines from players units. 
// Given: Ammo Box will have addAction [Scoll Wheel] menus assigned to order players squad to resupply.
// Given: Player must walk up to Ammo Box to see the menus - 4 meters. 
// Given: Ammo Box addAction menus only appear when not in the vehicle.
// Given: Players Squad must be in the area of the ammo box - 30 meters to rearm.
// Given: Intended for SOG_AI as if you want to rearm by Team - only Red or Green supported.
// Given: Explosive Destruct for actual crate - crate deleted during explosion.
// Given: Explosive Destruct on vehicle - any crew will abandon - and vehicle will remain destroyed.
// Given: Supports multiple Ammo Boxes.
// Given: Ammo Boxes can be moved by whatever means you like and should still work fine.


// Capture an array of units selected via Function Key
private _unitArr = groupSelectedUnits player;
private _ammoBox = _this select 3; // Ammo Container
private _ammoRun = 1;
hint "REARM Script";

while { _ammoRun == 1 } do
    private _ammoPos = getPos _ammoBox;
        // Unit Info and Team Membership
        private _unit = _x;
        if (!alive _unit) then { continueWith { hint format ["%1 - Skipped (Dead)", _unit]; }; }; // Skip dead units
        // Check if the unit is within 50 meters of the ammo container
        if ((_unit distance _ammoPos) > 50) then { continueWith { hint format ["%1 - Skipped (Too far)", _unit]; }; };

        private _priWeap = primaryWeapon _unit;
        private _unitMagArr = magazines _unit;
        private _compMagArr = compatibleMagazines _priWeap;
        private _totCnt = 0;

        // Count Primary Weapon Magazines
            private _compMag = _x;
                private _unitMag = _x;
                if (_compMag == _unitMag) then { _totCnt = _totCnt + 1; };
            } forEach _unitMagArr;
        } forEach _compMagArr;

        // If Unit Above Threshold - Continue
        if (_totCnt > 4) then
            _logger = format ["%1 - I'm good.", _unit];
            hint _logger;
            sleep 1;

        // Get Ammo
        _unitPos = getPos _unit;
        _logger = format ["Rearm %1", _unit];
        hint _logger;
        _unit doMove _ammoPos;
        waitUntil { sleep 1; (_unit distance _ammoBox) < 5 };
        _unit action ["rearm", _ammoBox];
        _unit doMove _unitPos;

    } forEach _unitArr;
    _ammoRun = 0;
hint "";




// SCO Rearm Script w/ Smart Ammo Box //

// FILE: SCOrearm.sqf :FILE
// Author: scottb613

// Overview: Two basic functions - stock custom Ammo Boxes (crate or vehicle) with magazines from players squad.
// Overview: Provides on demand "Rearm" for Players Squad at Ammo Box. 

// Requires: initAmmoCrate.sqf in mission root folder.
// Requires: "Scripts\SCOammo.sqf" in root of mission folder.
// Requires: "Scripts\SCOrearm.sqf" in root of mission folder.
// Requires: Init Field Entry in desired Ammo Box ===>>> null = [this] execVM "initAmmoCrate.sqf"; 

// Note: Only tested in single player.

// Given: Ammo Box can be a crate or vehicle. 
// Given: Smart Ammo Box [SAB] - empties selected container - then stocks with magazines from players units. 
// Given: Ammo Box will have addAction [Scoll Wheel] menus assigned to order players squad to resupply.
// Given: Player must walk up to Ammo Box to see the menus - 4 meters. 
// Given: Ammo Box addAction menus only appear when not in the vehicle.
// Given: Players Squad must be in the area of the ammo box - 30 meters to rearm.
// Given: Intended for SOG_AI as if you want to rearm by Team - only Red or Green supported.
// Given: Explosive Destruct for actual crate - crate deleted during explosion.
// Given: Explosive Destruct on vehicle - any crew will abandon - and vehicle will remain destroyed.
// Given: Supports multiple Ammo Boxes.
// Given: Ammo Boxes can be moved by whatever means you like and should still work fine.


private _params = _this select 3;
private _choseTeam = _params select 0;
private _ammoCrate = _params select 1;
private _ammoCrateClassname = typeOf _ammoCrate;

if (_choseTeam == "DESTRUCT") then {
    // Destruct Code
    private _target = _ammoCrate;
    private _posit = getpos _target;
    // create and attach charge
    private _charge = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle _posit;
    _charge attachTo [_target, [0,0,0]];
    // now detonate charge
    hint "----RUN---RUN---RUN----";
    // Check if the ammo box is a vehicle and make the crew exit and run away
    if (_ammoCrate isKindOf "LandVehicle") then {
        private _crew = crew _ammoCrate;
        private _newGroup = createGroup west; // Create a new group for the crew
            unassignVehicle _x; // Unassign from vehicle
            _x action ["getOut", _ammoCrate];
            [_x] joinSilent _newGroup; // Join the new group
            _x doMove (getPos _x vectorAdd [100, 100, 0]); // Move 100 meters away
            _x setSpeedMode "FULL"; // Force sprint
        } forEach _crew;
    sleep 5;
    hint "---------10";
    sleep 1;
    hint "--------9";
    sleep 1;
    hint "-------8";
    sleep 1;
    hint "------7";
    sleep 1;
    hint "-----6";
    sleep 1;
    hint "----5";
    sleep 1;
    hint "---4";
    sleep 1;
    hint "--3";
    sleep 1;
    hint "-2";
    sleep 1;
    hint "1";
    sleep 2;
    hint "";
    _charge setDamage 1;
    // Destroy the vehicle or delete the crate
    if (_ammoCrate isKindOf "LandVehicle") then {
        _ammoCrate setDamage 1; // Destroy the vehicle
    } else {
        deleteVehicle _target; // Delete the crate

private _logger = format ["Rearm %1", _choseTeam];
hint _logger;
sleep 3;

private _ammoBox = nearestObject [player, _ammoCrateClassname];

while {true} do
    private _ammoPos = getpos _ammoBox;
    private _unitArr = units group player;
    _unitArr deleteAt 0; // Exclude the player
        // Unit Info and Team Membership
        private _unit = _x;
        if (!alive _unit) then {continue};
        private _assTeam = assignedTeam _unit;
        if (_choseTeam != "ALL" && _choseTeam != _assTeam) then {continue};
        if (_unit distance _ammoBox > 25) then {
            _logger = format ["%1 - UNABLE - Ammo Too Far", _unit];
            hint _logger;
            sleep 1;
        private _priWeap = primaryWeapon _unit;
        private _unitMagArr = magazines _unit;
        private _compMagArr = compatibleMagazines _priWeap;
        private _totCnt = 0;
        // Count Primary Weapon Magazines
            private _compMag = _x;
                private _unitMag = _x;
                if (_compMag == _unitMag) then {_totCnt = _totCnt + 1};    
            } foreach _unitMagArr;
        } foreach _compMagArr;
        // If Unit Above Threshold - Continue
        if (_totCnt > 4) then 
            _logger = format ["%1 - I'm good.", _unit];
            hint _logger;
            sleep 1;
        // Get Ammo
        _unitPos = getpos _unit;
        _logger = format ["Rearm %1",_unit];
        hint _logger;
        _unit doMove _ammoPos;
        waitUntil {sleep 1; (_unit distance _ammoBox) < 5};
        _unit action ["rearm", _ammoBox];
        _unit doMove _unitPos;
    } foreach _unitArr;



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Hi Folks,


Added a working DEMO mission all setup and ready to go with the scripts. Requirements: Vanilla - plus CBA - plus ACE. Simply copy to your mission's folder and launch.


Includes Ammo Box Crate and Ammo Box Vehicle examples.



SCO Rearm Test - Vanilla


2 Radio Triggers included in mission:

  • Strips the units of all magazines.
  • Kills all units so you can check their inventory.


3 Questions:

  • When I strip magazines the HUD indicator turn yellow for each unit - indicating low ammo - however - it never clears when rearmed. What are the requirements to clear the yellow low ammo indicator?
  • I tried adding a custom sound file to the "Destruct" script (it's in the download) - it doesn't work - anyone know why?
  • Instead of using a custom sound - what's the name of a vanilla Arma file that give me a beep for a timer? I know I've seen it before - but I don't know how to find it. 


How I'm trying to call my first custom sound file:

    playSound3D ["Sounds\SCOtimeBeep.ogg", _ammoCrate, false, getPosASL _ammoCrate, 1, 1, 50];
    sleep 2;
    hint "";





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