BeaniePope. 1 Posted August 7 Heyo! Here's the plan: I would like units to spawn on a marker via a function call during initServer. Spawning works! The units do spawn, but they spawn at 0, 0. why? Because the script doesn't recognize the "_markerCordon" marker from the mission, and returns the default value when getMarkerPos is called- I would love if someone could let me know how exactly I'm supposed to pass my marker (or at least my marker position) to my function, assuming I can- thank you! initServer (this works fine) call AZN_fnc_spawnMutantsCordon; fn_spawnMutantsCordon below don't mind the commenting, this is made to be plug and play for a friend. Base units for testing and one modded unit also for testing. _mutantGroup = ["B_Soldier_F", "B_Pilot_F", "B_Survivor_F", "armst_blinddog2"]; private _marker = "_markerCordon"; private _mutantCount = 3; // Counting starts from 0 ex: _mutantCount = 3 spawns 4 mutants // -- DO NOT TOUCH BELOW THIS CON -- // private _finalPosition = [0,0,0]; private _markerPosition = [0, 0, 0]; //Gets Marker _markerPosition = getMarkerPos _marker; _markerPositionX = _markerPosition select 0; _markerPositionY = _markerPosition select 1; //Randomizes pos _randomX = [-100, 100] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _randomY = [-100, 100] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _finalPosition set [0 , _markerPositionX + _randomX]; _finalPosition set [1 , _markerPositionY + _randomY]; //Spawns units for "_i" from 0 to _mutantCount do { private _cordonMutants = createGroup [west, true]; _unit = _mutantGroup select _i; _position = _finalPosition; _positionX = _position select 0; _positionY = _position select 1; _position set [0, _positionX + _i]; _position set [1, _positionY + _i]; _unit createUnit [_position, _cordonMutants]; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joshua9797 38 Posted August 8 Hi, this might help: private _spawnPoint = getMarkerPos "_markerCordon"; //The midpoint (marker) at which units are spawned. private _amount = 3; //The amount of units to spawn. private _radius = 30; //The radius in which the units are spawned (from the midpoint). private _unitTypes = ["B_Soldier_F", "B_Pilot_F", "B_Survivor_F", "armst_blinddog2"]; //the types(classnames) of units to be spawned (see CfgVehicles e.g. //You can see the class name in the editor if you hover over the unit in the list on the left. //or you get the class name with "typeOf" e.g.: typeOf player private _group = createGroup east; //The group into which the units are spawned.(Determines the side) for [{private _i = 0}, {_i < _amount}, {_i = _i + 1;}] do { private _randomTyp = selectRandom _unitTypes; //the typ of Unit to be spawned private _myAI = _group createUnit [_randomTyp, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; //spawn the unit at the first available free position nearest to [0,0,0] private _randomPos = (_spawnPoint getPos [_radius * sqrt random 1, random 4000]); _myAI setPosATL (_randomPos); //sets the position relative to the terrain. [_myAI, (random 360)] remoteExec ["setDir"]; //set a random dir }; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaniePope. 1 Posted August 8 9 hours ago, Joshua9797 said: Hi, this might help: private _spawnPoint = getMarkerPos "_markerCordon"; //The midpoint (marker) at which units are spawned. private _amount = 3; //The amount of units to spawn. private _radius = 30; //The radius in which the units are spawned (from the midpoint). private _unitTypes = ["B_Soldier_F", "B_Pilot_F", "B_Survivor_F", "armst_blinddog2"]; //the types(classnames) of units to be spawned (see CfgVehicles e.g. //You can see the class name in the editor if you hover over the unit in the list on the left. //or you get the class name with "typeOf" e.g.: typeOf player private _group = createGroup east; //The group into which the units are spawned.(Determines the side) for [{private _i = 0}, {_i < _amount}, {_i = _i + 1;}] do { private _randomTyp = selectRandom _unitTypes; //the typ of Unit to be spawned private _myAI = _group createUnit [_randomTyp, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; //spawn the unit at the first available free position nearest to [0,0,0] private _randomPos = (_spawnPoint getPos [_radius * sqrt random 1, random 4000]); _myAI setPosATL (_randomPos); //sets the position relative to the terrain. [_myAI, (random 360)] remoteExec ["setDir"]; //set a random dir }; For whatever reason, this works! Thank you! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites