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FA Dalai Lamar

Anyone have a complete...working decrypted 1.91 co

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I am creating a new sound pack for 1.91 OFP:R and need a decrypted 1.91 config.bin. THis sound mod will be complimentary to my upcoming Mod but will work independantly of it. Any help would be extremely helpful. What I need is a 1.91 config that works...I have several decrypted ones but all leave an error message in the opening screen "value not an array" and the game is not playable. Any hints on how to best edit the bin. Thank you for any and all help. This sound pack is extremely comprehensive and has been a year long labor of love that I want to share with everyone.

Warmest Regards,

FA Dalai Lamar

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I tried that one....5 times. It's chopped up into 18 sections though.... and I got error messages everytime I attempted to reconstruct it. I was wondering if there were one whole document floating around. If not I will continue my struggle with this one. It seems no matter how careful I am I alway end up with a mistake somewhere.

Best Regards,


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