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Max ORyan

292nd Airborne Regiment [NA/EU]

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292nd Airborne Regiment


Discord (If you're interested in our Ops, join here!)



The 292nd Airborne Regiment “The Lion’s Fury” is a German Airborne themed unit, which focuses on Light Realism/Semi-Realism. We do not consider ourselves a Milsim unit, but a Semi-Realism unit, meaning we don’t have such things as locked first person view and obligatory training. Our main goal is to have fun while playing ArmA 3 in. We are currently looking to generally expand our roster, we have multitudes of different roles available each op. Most of the available roles are infantry, but we do also have Air assets that are deployed almost every op and we also occasionally deploy a vehicle crew with an IFV.

The 292nd also provides a Discord/TeamSpeak hangout to play other games in along with an ArmA 3 server that's on 24/7.


Operations Schedule

The 292nd currently have at minimum 2 ops every week. Ops last 2 hours on average.

  • Friday: 4 PM US Eastern/9 PM GMT. (We do any kind of campaign people want, from Halo to VDV or Starship Troopers. We also host an ArmA Reforger operation once a month)
  • Saturday: 3 PM US Eastern/8 PM GMT. (We do our German campaign)



Our units' most central mods include addons such as TFAR, ACE, CBA, RHS and much more, including our own custom addon for custom uniforms. You can check out our Standard mod list by taking a look at our Standard Ghost Addon on Steam Workshop. Our operations also require the Western Sahara CDLC and the Reaction Forces CDLC or their Compatibility data mods. Our medical system is currently ACE Pharmacy.



The requirements to join the 292nd are:

  • 16+ years old
  • Working mic
  • Can speak English

We have no mandatory training required to join ops. If you're interested in joining, just join our discord!


Thank you for reading through this, if you have any questions feel free to message me or join our Discord and ask questions there. If you would like to watch one of our operations, then please check out this video:

The Worst Squad in the Bundeswehr | Arma 3

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