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Dedicated: MaxMsgSend Settings ?

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what settings in flashpoint.cfg do you recommend for dedicated running on a 2Mbit Line ?

We now have set the values to:

MaxMsgSend = 64

MinBandwidth = 128000

But i guess it can be higher !?

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We did not test such configuration yet. My guess is you could try:

MaxMsgSend = 256

MinBandwidth = 512000

Best way is to try and see what works best.

When talking about 2Mb line, be sure you really have mb upstream (upload), not only downstream.

You can use #monitor admin command to see what bandwidth your server really uses both up- and downstream.

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Is there a new #monitor command to display the up/downstream bandwidth?

I only get FPS on my server now after 1.30, which creates some troubles with tuning my maxmsgsend and minbandwidth settings to keep the server fps high, and without it i'm a bit lost I'm afraid..

my current settings are

MaxMsgSend = 128

MinBandwidth = 256000

my max players are currently at 22, and my fps goes VERY low (14-20) with a full server.

this is on a full t-1 up and down with no other apps running on the server.

Server is a ghz compaq DL380 w/1gb ram, and has a gigabit link to the router, so I don't think the bottleneck is there.

I don't think the maps are very taxing, and we don't play w/ai players in the game, or obscene amounts of air/ground units, so I'm wondering if these settings need to be tweaked one way or the other.

Am I missing something obvious? Can someone give me a nudge in the right direction?


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Yeah, what happened to #monitor? I need the additional info to tweak my dedicated server.

Radish, your server is definitely not the problem, the CPQ DL380 is a solid performing machine. I would suggest putting a packet sniffer on your internal network and trace traffic out to your T1 while the game is in full swing....that might help diagnose where your bottleneck is. Just a thought......

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is there a new #monitor command to display the up/downstream bandwidth?

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When you type #monitor while logged in as admin, you should receive messages about server fps and both up- and down- stream bandwidth.

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There is a bug in strintable.csv that prevents the text from showing correctly. This bug has been introduced during translation to non-english languagues. Fix will be available in next patch.

If you want, you can fix it manually by editing stringtable.csv file on the client. Be sure to backup original file, as you will need it back when you will install next patch, otherwise it will not recognize it as correct version.

Search for "STR_SERVER_MONITOR" line. In this line you will see several comma delimited entries. There are double quotes missing around engtries, which causes parser confusion.

Instead of

STR_SERVER_MONITOR,Server load: FPS %.0f, memory used: %.0f MB, out: %.0f Kbps, in: %.0f Kbps,

The line should read

STR_SERVER_MONITOR,"Server load: FPS %.0f, memory used: %.0f MB, out: %.0f Kbps, in: %.0f Kbps",

(and similiary for other languagues).

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BTW Angry Radish, your serve rules biggrin.gif All that you need to do is get more 2-40 map s;) Everytime I join your server there is 20+ people playing. I'd love to see more maps on your server biggrin.gif

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Still getting the same message server load xxFPS, nothing else..am I doing something wrong? hopefully this will come out ok..here goes...

STR_SERVER_MONITOR,"Server load: FPS %.0f, memory used: %.0f MB, out: %.0f Kbps, in: %.0f Kbps","Charge serveur : FPS %.0f, mémoire utilisée : %.0f Mo, sortie : %.0f Kbps, entrée : %.0f Kbps","Carico server: FPS %.0f, memoria impiegata: %.0f MB, in uscita: %.0f Kbps, in entrata: %.0f Kbps","Carga del servidor: FPS %.0f, memoria en uso: %.0f MB, enviado: %.0f Kbps, recibido: %.0f Kbps","Serverlast: FPS %.0f, Speicher genutzt: %.0f MB, out:%.0f Kbps, in: %.0f Kbps",Czech

...without the wordwrap of course:-)

(Edited by Angry Radish at 7:44 pm on Nov. 20, 2001)

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tnx Murda Inc ,

keep coming back! we have a number of maps in the works, and are currently in testing, stop by our forums with any suggestions!

(Edited by Angry Radish at 7:48 pm on Nov. 20, 2001)

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Sweet. I think you by far have the fastest best dedicated server man. I ping form 40-60ms on your server biggrin.gif and I never lag. BTW where is it located? Im in Louisville, Kentucky

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Still getting the same message server load xxFPS, nothing else..am I doing something wrong? hopefully this will come out ok..here goes...

STR_SERVER_MONITOR,"Server load: FPS %.0f, memory used: %.0f MB, out: %.0f Kbps, in: %.0f Kbps",...

<span id='postcolor'>

I think you have it right. Be aware you should change it on client machine (where you display the results).

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what settings in flashpoint.cfg do you recommend for dedicated running on a 10 Gigabit Line ?

Dual P3 /1133s (512KB int Cache) with 512/1024 GB Ram

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