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Performance warning: SimpleSerialization

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I am storing a short script using setVariable and I get this warning:

Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Write 'spawncycle1' is using type of ',SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types

Its for a revive mod and I terminate previous script iteration if this function is called again.

_spawncycle1 = (_medic getVariable ["spawncycle1",false]); 

if (typeName _spawncycle1 == "SCRIPT") then {
terminate _spawncycle1;										

_spawncycle1 = [_medic, _incap] spawn {
params ["_medic", "_incap"];

	// Start Recycle / death / Auto recovery
	[_medic, _incap] spawn ROS_Fnc_Recycle_Fnc;

	// Start AI revive
	[_medic, _incap] spawn ROS_Fnc_AIReviveUnits;

	// Pause thread
	waitUntil {
		sleep 1;
		(!alive _incap or !alive _medic or !(lifestate _incap == "INCAPACITATED"))
_medic setVariable ["spawncycle1",_spawncycle1,true];

How can apply the warning message recomendation, which is "not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types"

help appreciated


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On 5/6/2024 at 2:06 PM, bendy303 said:

I am storing a short script using setVariable and I get this warning:

Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Write 'spawncycle1' is using type of ',SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types

Its for a revive mod and I terminate previous script iteration if this function is called again.

_spawncycle1 = (_medic getVariable ["spawncycle1",false]); 

if (typeName _spawncycle1 == "SCRIPT") then {
terminate _spawncycle1;										

_spawncycle1 = [_medic, _incap] spawn {
params ["_medic", "_incap"];

	// Start Recycle / death / Auto recovery
	[_medic, _incap] spawn ROS_Fnc_Recycle_Fnc;

	// Start AI revive
	[_medic, _incap] spawn ROS_Fnc_AIReviveUnits;

	// Pause thread
	waitUntil {
		sleep 1;
		(!alive _incap or !alive _medic or !(lifestate _incap == "INCAPACITATED"))
_medic setVariable ["spawncycle1",_spawncycle1,true];

How can apply the warning message recomendation, which is "not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types"

help appreciated



Maybe you already found this but take a look in this thread and see if it helps: 231504-performance-warning-simpleserialization

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