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ACRE custom racks won't work with ALiVE persistance on dedicated server

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I have a script that adds custom ACRE racks to a vehicle. It works well when previewing the mission from Eden, but when I run it on my dedicated server, with ALiVE persistance activated, the custom racks will not be added for some reason.

I suspect it's a timing issue, since I'm running the script from the vehicles init fields. But I did not write this script, nor do I know how I could try to run the script somewhere else.

So my questions are:


1. Any idea why it won't work with ALiVE?


2. How do I convert this script to work on the vehicle, named VEHICLE1, from for instance a trigger in the mission or something of that kind?

Here is the script:


if (isServer) then {  
            params ["_vehicle"];  
           [_vehicle, "ODIN"] call acre_api_fnc_setVehicleRacksPreset;  
            [_vehicle, {}] call acre_api_fnc_initVehicleRacks;  
                    params ["_vehicle"];  
                    !alive _vehicle || {[_vehicle] call acre_api_fnc_areVehicleRacksInitialized}  
                    params ["_vehicle"];  
                    if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {};  
                    private _vehicleRacks = [_vehicle] call acre_api_fnc_getVehicleRacks;  
                    for "_i" from (count _vehicleRacks) - 1 to 0 step -1 do {  
                        [_vehicle, _vehicleRacks select _i] call acre_api_fnc_removeRackFromVehicle;  
                    [_vehicle, ["ACRE_VRC103", "Lower Dash", "Dash", false, ["inside","external"], [], "ACRE_PRC117F", [], []], true] call acre_api_fnc_addRackToVehicle;  
                    _vehicle setVariable ["Dro_customRacksAdded", true, true];  
            ] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;  
    ] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;  
            params ["_vehicle"];  
            !alive _vehicle || {_vehicle getVariable ["Dro_customRacksAdded", false]}  
            params ["_vehicle"];  
            if (!alive _vehicle) exitWith {};  
            [_vehicle, {}] call acre_api_fnc_initVehicleRacks  
    ] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;  


Thanks in advance.

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