[ITA]Kozak 0 Posted April 17, 2024 Hey guys. I've been playing a certain scenario for many years (Pilgrimage, by Rydigier), and adding mods to change and improve the gameplay. I was wondering if there was a way to add a survival component to the scenario, like hunger and thirst. With food items and drinks that spawned randomly on the map. The Situation: 1) I happen to have found a mod on the Steam Workshop, called "LOOT (Discontinued)". It's pretty good for spawning items, weapons etc. in buildings, randomly. It works perfectly, as indended, in the mission. 2) For a food/drink addon, I'm going with the field rations from ACE3. As long as you have the items, you can eat/drink. Problem: LOOT can't spawn the food/drink items from ACE3. Altough LOOT's description says that the mod spawns all items from the mods that the user has loaded, it seems that it's ignoring them. Some items from ACE3 are correctly spawned: binoculars, rangefinders... but not the 'inventory' stuff, like earplugs, wire cutters (and water bottles, MREs...). Solution and clarifications: 1) The ACE3 items seem to be grouped under the type "ACE_ItemCore". Now I'm no scripting expert, but pointing this out to LOOT's script, should make it notice that those items exist and include them in the loot. 2) LOOT has a user config file. You can change the probability of loot spawns, and their locations, but the categories are fixed. You can't just go and edit this .sqf to make it spawn certain specific items. 3) I've been looking at LOOTs .pbo file, trying to decipher how to include those items in the spawning, but I don't know how to do it. I don't know where the modification has to be done, and what to write. If anyone wants to help, the mods are available on the Workshop. (or maybe someone can give me tips on what to look for in the pbo, like where the code says that the loot has to come from a certain list of items) Thanks in advance. Work keeps me busy and I don't have the strenght to learn scripting, but after all these years, maybe I should try? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites