Casio91Fin 31 Posted March 24 The problem is that when the ownership of the sector changes. It also resets my counter and starts over. (the counter resets when the players clears the sector of enemies. And the players is inside the sector itself too.) How would I get the counter to remember? Otherwise, it won't happen even if the enemy takes over the sector and the players later take it back. initServer.sqf Spoiler { [ _x, "ownerChanged", { params[ "_sector", "_owner", "_ownerOld" ]; if ( _owner isEqualTo EAST ) then { }; if ( _owner isEqualTo west ) then { }; if ( _owner isEqualTo independent ) then { }; if (_owner isEqualTo sideUnknown) then { }; SP_fnc_getUnit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "MissionFile\UnitClass.sqf"; _SwitchTeam = "SwitchTeam" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; publicVariable "SwitchTeam"; null = [_SwitchTeam,_sector] execVM "MissionFile\MissionInit.sqf"; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; } forEach ( true call BIS_fnc_moduleSector ); .......\Mission.sqf"; Spoiler _TotalSpawned = 0; while {_TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { while {count units west <= _MaxActiveAI - 1 && _TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { //Infantry 1. if (_MaxActiveAI - count units west >= 20) then { inf _TotalSpawned = _TotalSpawned + 1; }; //APC. if (_MaxActiveAI - count units west >= 20) then { APC _TotalSpawned = _TotalSpawned + 1; }; //Mission WON if (_TotalSpawned >= _MaxAiTeams) then { Mission end skripts }; }; sleep x; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites