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ARMA Reforger Scripting

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I'm interested in learning how to script in ARMA Reforger.  How do I make a script that allows you to place a campfire by double clicking something in inventory?

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On 3/8/2024 at 11:33 PM, Favonias said:

How do I make a script that allows you to place a campfire by double clicking something in inventory?


First, you are welcome here. Second, always set a more specific title for your topic. This will help us to help you faster and better. 


Do you have some snippets of your code to share? I presume you have some as you apparently know how to implement a code in Reforger.


If you don't, here is a good start to help you describe better what you wanna do: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:From_SQF_to_Enforce_Script

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modded class SCR_BaseGameMode


private ref CustomInputManager m_InputManager;


protected override void OnInit(IEntity owner)




// Initialize the custom input manager

m_InputManager = new CustomInputManager();



// Register the key press event for placing the campfire

GetGame().GetInputManager().AddActionListener("PlaceCampfire", EActionType::ACTION_PRESSED, this, "OnPlaceCampfireKeyPress");



void OnPlaceCampfireKeyPress()


// This method will call the logic to place the campfire




void OnPlaceCampfire()


// Path to the campfire prefab

ResourceName campfirePrefab = "Assets\Campfire_burning.et"; // Replace with the actual path


// Get the player's position

IEntity player = GetGame().GetPlayerController().GetControlledEntity();

if (player)


vector playerPos = player.GetOrigin();

// Spawn the campfire at the player's position

IEntity campfireEntity = GetGame().SpawnEntityPrefab(Resource.Load(campfirePrefab), playerPos, ETransformMode.WORLD);





Here's the main code I'm working with.  I made a CustomBaseGameMode file and CustominputManager file.  Everything compiles, but it doesn't work in game: the player presses 'F' and a campfire appears.  Am I using the wrong asset?

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"Assets\Campfire_burning.et" very strange path, first once - slash is wrong, second one - prefab is Assets folder.

All prefabs in "Prefabs" folder.

Try this "{899360C930DA3EE3}Prefabs/Particles/Campfire_burning.et"

On future: right mouse click -> "Copy resource name(s)" on prefab to get path to it

Check logs and use checks in code:

Resource resource = Resource.Load(prefabResourceName);

if (!resource.IsValid())
	Print("Cant load prefab");

And very strange design to use "modded" class. Create own component and attach it to GameMode or player.

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