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Human hunt

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I´m really poor skilled in Scripting, and i am asking if someone would like to do this.

The Reservat.

It could be for MP:

-Civilians (ResSide) run around in a forrest and make some sound every minute (like :"Help" or "mama" etc) so you know where (he) they are.

-You and your pals Are Headhunters. You earn money for killing.

-Out side of the Forrests there should be somekind of Gunseller (small hut) where you can buy better Rifles (ammo) with your earnd money.

-You loose all your money (maybe keep a minimum to buy a new gun) when you kill another hunter. (to keep people killing eachother)

-They Headprice should vary so you could earn more for some special kind of Civillian.

-Maybe some small campingsites in the forrests where some Civ. are.

Etc... i could go on and on.

The idea was mentioned in an other tread.

I think its an cool idea.

Hope someone grabs it wink_o.gif

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That could a fun, and umm, rather different mission biggrin_o.gif .

The civvies you kill would probably need to respawn though, becuase it'd probably end pretty quickly if there was just a set #.

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That could a fun, and umm, rather different mission biggrin_o.gif .

The civvies you kill would probably need to respawn though, becuase it'd probably end pretty quickly if there was just a set #.

Your right, forgot to mention.

Well i would use deers if there where some in opf biggrin_o.gif

But hey, isn´t deerhunting also sardistic? rock.gif

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