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Those opf blues...

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Well, I had some problems with my computer... got to the point that it couldn't get as far as windows before it froze... but all thats sorted now... had it reformatted, now running under XP Pro... and by God do I miss 98 -.-

From the backstory, to the sob story:

I installed OPF, Red Hammer and OPF:R then started it up, went to my profile 2 seconds in... the head stopped spinning and it froze =/ so... hit the reset button and tried again... this time I crtl + alt + del'd and found 100% of my resources were engaged (O_o same computer as I've been playing OPF on for just about 2 years and I've never had anything like this happen before)  anyway, I went back on opfr and then got the repeating error that happens when you're in need of a graphics driver update... off I go to NVIDIA's site and got the latest update for my geforce 2, ha ha problem solved?

Went back on opfr and onto the profile... put my xml in, changed my face... and it froze (task manger again says 100% engaged again) maxmised opfr again... it started working again... began to notice a pattern here... maybe the graphics options are set a little too high... went onto the visual options... and my computer resets itself. Ok... willing to accept a crash... put it down to bad luck... but on my 4th attempt to change the visual options and my 4th crash I deleted all the opfs, reinstalled just opf, went into the visual options... and... -.- it crashes again...

PS: In game it freezes because theres no free resources... I assume that anyway...

And I'm using the latest updates for XP

any ideas? (only difference between the PC now and then is I had win98 then and NAV 2002, now I have XP and McAfee, if that helps at all)

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I have played OPF on 98se, 2k and xp pro, never had a prob here with or without windows updates, xp uses more sistem resourses than 98 right? Perhaps your specs could be helpfull here so some of the gurus could help you out rock.gif

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Eep -.- I thought I put them down -.-

AMD Athlon 1.4GHz, 512Mb of RAM (not sure which type) and the afformentioned 32Mb GeForce 2 MX, 600k cable... blah blah...


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Hi Jz.

I am not sure if this will help.

I also run OFP res with XP pro and have no troubles at all.

I have now a AMD 1800+ with 576 mg RAM HD of 40 GiG and most important a Getforce 4 TI 4400 of 128 mg video card.

I can run the game a max setting without crash although perfomance is not goos so I ususally set it for high although not highest visual perfomances.

I do not have McAfee but Panda Titanium as Anti virus.

So far my system works nice with OFP Res.

How are you installing OFP?

You have been among us many time so I guess you are not using GOTY or such stuff.

You sure you are moy missing any patch intall on the way or that you install them properly?

You have a capable system and surely XP should not be the trouble so I would aimd for the installation process.

Those of us that have the original OFP almost version 1.00 have to be careful if upgrading to 1.91.

Your system worked fine before so I guess it should work fine now. Try to verify your installation and add ons.

just an idea

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Well... few little tweaks here and there... now it doesn't freeze... but it still drops to desktop at seemingly random points =/

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I found what appears to be causing the problem "nv4_disp.dll" so... I installed the previous driver pack... hasn't fixed it =/ is it worth cycling through all the other old ones?

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