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west unit using opfor uav terminal

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Hey all, i have this quest where the player would be required to complete some tasks for the OPFOR troops on the island. 

One of the tasks would be to take control of a OPFOR UAV gunner position, which then takes off on a predetermined flight and the player is supposed to use the turret to spot contraband crates on the decks of fishing boats (fishermen moonlight as smugglers). 


So far all is good when i test with the CSAT tester, but when i actually try with the incognito west unit, it just breaks down, doesn't want to work, no error displayed and my guess is that it falls apart when a west player is assigned/linked an OPFOR terminal.


Is it even possible to use opposing side terminal? or any way around it? 


Ty in advance for any suggestions


PS: I'm really constrained with the tasks selection right now and i have to be using these hard code  ones instead of simple "kill officer" because if a player pulls a gun at a wrong spot (or simply exits a vehicle w/o the gun in vehicle inventory-easy mistake to make) or if you kill anyone it's basically over, they catch you in a few minutes (savegame doesn't work, idk why, topic for another thread tho lmao).


here is the script, it's only done to the point of flying, none of the knowsabout things have been coded in yet tho


PLANuavcrew = createGroup east;

PLANuav_1 = createVehicle ["O_UAV_02_dynamicLoadout_F",[3358.85,37635.2,0],[],0,"NONE"];
] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;

PLANuav_1 setDir 132;
PLANuav_1 setPylonLoadout [1, ""];
PLANuav_1 setPylonLoadout [2, ""];

sleep 0.2;

"O_T_Helipilot_F" createUnit [[0,0,0],PLANuavcrew,"PLANuavcrew1 = this;  this unassignItem 'O_NVGoggles_ghex_F';this removeItem 'O_NVGoggles_ghex_F'",0.6,"corporal"];
"O_T_Helipilot_F" createUnit [[0,0,0],PLANuavcrew,"PLANuavcrew2 = this;  this unassignItem 'O_NVGoggles_ghex_F';this removeItem 'O_NVGoggles_ghex_F'",0.3,"private"];
{_x moveInAny PLANuav_1} forEach units PLANuavcrew;

player linkItem "O_UavTerminal";
waitUntil{ "O_UavTerminal" in assignedItems player };
diag_log "Terminal received";

player connectTerminalToUAV PLANuav_1;
waitUntil{ isUAVConnected PLANuav_1 };
diag_log "Connected";

player action ["SwitchToUAVGunner", getConnectedUAV player];
waitUntil{ isUAVConnected PLANuav_1 && ( cameraOn isEqualTo PLANuav_1 ) };
diag_log "In gunner: adding ev";

addMissionEventHandler [ "PlayerViewChanged", {
	params[ "_oldUnit", "_newUnit", "_vehicle", "_oldCamera", "_newCamera", "_uav" ];
	diag_log "PVC_fired";
	if ( _oldCamera isEqualTo PLANuav_1 && { ( _newCamera isEqualTo player ) } ) then {
		diag_log "disconnecting terminal";
		player connectTerminalToUAV objNull;
		diag_log "removing terminal";
		player unlinkItem "O_UavTerminal";
		diag_log "player disconnected";
		removeMissionEventHandler[ "PlayerViewChanged", _thisEventHandler ];

sleep 0.2;

_PLANuavwp1 = PLANuavcrew addWaypoint [position base_boat, 0];
_PLANuavwp1 setWaypointType "MOVE";
//_PLANuavwp1 setWaypointLoiterRadius 200;
_PLANuavwp1 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
PLANuav_1 flyinheight 130;
waitUntil {((PLANuav_1 distance base_boat) <= 800)};

_PLANuavwp2 = PLANuavcrew addWaypoint [position bigfshboat2, 0];
_PLANuavwp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_PLANuavwp2 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
PLANuav_1 flyinheight 130;
waitUntil {((PLANuav_1 distance bigfshboat2) <= 800)};

_PLANuavwp3 = PLANuavcrew addWaypoint [position bigfshboat5, 0];
_PLANuavwp3 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_PLANuavwp3 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
PLANuav_1 flyinheight 130;
waitUntil {((PLANuav_1 distance bigfshboat5) <= 400)};

_PLANuavwp4 = PLANuavcrew addWaypoint [position bigfshboat1, 0];
_PLANuavwp4 setWaypointType "CYCLE";
_PLANuavwp4 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
PLANuav_1 flyinheight 130;
waitUntil {((PLANuav_1 distance bigfshboat1) <= 400)};



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