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Little Blue Assassin

Pedal problems

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I have a CH Combatstick (USB) and CH Pro Pedals (also USB). Since the pedals do not hook up directly to the joystick, the game does not recognize them. My old, non-USB Pro Pedals hooked directly onto my old joystick (also non-USB), so the game considered the pedals to be axis Z. Can anyone suggest what to do about this problem? Although Operation Flashpoint does not have much rudder control for the fixed-wing aircraft, it is still necessary for the helicopters. Please help.

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To the best of my technical knowledge at the moment, you are out of luck. I have been telling BIS to support multiple controllers since 1.0 or 1.2 came out. Now I'm just hoping for OFP2 to have that support. sad_o.gif And COME ON BIS (if you red this), you have boats, planes, choppers, and cars, why not finally allow the cross mapping of various controllers.

If you had game port based controllers I could tell you how to rewire their connectors together and make a custom stick, but with USB you need an existing and programmed axis, like twist rudder control which you can supplement with input from some pedals. Unfortunately this means opening up and modifying the controllers even if you had a spare axis. crazy_o.gif

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