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Might as well quit

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Game has come to a full circle of suck. Drill 5 rounds straight to someone's head as they are knelt to dig through a crate and NONE of them register with SVU scoped up while laying down!!! Shot registry in this new season seems to be worse. Was really hopeful for some of these things to be fixed in the new season but it seems that garbage shots are at an all time high and actual hits are just unregistered. Great work devs. Game has become a drain. 

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Hi @rshort3, thanks for getting in touch about this. Do you happen to have any clips of the shots not registering that you could please share with us so that we can investigate further? 🙏 If so, you can share a link here, or a video on one of our other social platforms. Alternatively, you can send a clip to our email address: [email protected] 🍅

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Hi @RoxieAtomic i do not have video footage. I dont stream gaming. The issue i have is that the game allows far too many junk shots and impossible situations of dying. When someone has a weak gun vs an assault rifle, and there is no headshot, there is no way a thompson or grease should beat an M4 or bugle. It seems as though programming for hit registry is so bad or everyone i go against is an expert marksman with any and all guns. Its irritating to die over and over when only 1 or 2 was a legitimate death. Im not new to this game. It has just become so terrible it is really hard to even enjoy playing it at all.

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I will speak for myself, this game is intended to be realistic in this case a bullet in the head YOU DIE and a regular shot is not precise and therefore random.
Yes, weapons like the Vz/Thompson or the Greese-gun have very random bullet dispersion; players using them must be crouched and close in general so as not to miss the target.
There are issues related to that, but there is also the connection of the player who is responsible for their gameplay and I notice that PS4 players generally have more problems than PS5 players.
I have some clips of the problems I encountered, I will send a video of various problems, just watch the first one, you won't believe your eyes.



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@yunno-fr thanks for the response. I completely understand that little glitches and certain things just happen. I play on a switch so I completely understand those things. My issue has been encounter after encounter, sometimes several in a row, where I have headshot a stagnant player multiple times with no hit registry at all, or shooting someone with an SVU within 6 or 8 feet with 6 shots and them still not dying, being in a gun fight that I lose when there is no possible way I lost. I know the game is supposed to be realistic, which is what drew me to it in the first place, but between these ridiculous deaths and the having to put up with the unrealistic methed out kangaroos that run through the level like rats on acid and seem to be able to hit shots while doing cartwheels that has got out of hand, it's starting to get old. 

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