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Red hammer ending... i don't get it

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Theres the two endings, the one where you get the officers and the other one where you don't

The one where you have the officers is weird, everyone knows your a traitor yet your taking the boat back to your fellow country men and then going back to russia.

The the cutscene with the music and credits. Who the hell are you fighting... resistance? But you were fighting with them.

Someone please fill me in!

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They fighting BAD east ruskies and you are the GOOD ruskies..I think wink_o.gif

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Didnt u listen to any of the cutscenes mate? Ur fighting RUssian forces controlled by Colonel Guba, who is NOT a colonel in the Red Army he has taken troops without authorization from Moscow.

THe only weird this is that in CWC Colonel Blake says "Hes embarressed us here and Moscows gotta be happy about that, publically they'll flay him alive, but privatly hes looking at a nice like pension and a private dacha in the Crimea."

In Red Hammer Lukin says "The Red Armies finest are coming to bring Guba to justice."

I think CWC is probably more accuracte, but thing is I dont see how Guba EMBARRESED NATO, wow he took half the Red Army to a small island chain and attacked an island attacked by a NATO contingent of maybe 80 men. Yet with a few reinforcements Guba's men were massacred. I'd say NATO has embarresed the Soviets.

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Didnt u listen to any of the cutscenes mate? Ur fighting RUssian forces controlled by Colonel Guba, who is NOT a colonel in the Red Army he has taken troops without authorization from Moscow.

THe only weird this is that in CWC Colonel Blake says "Hes embarressed us here and Moscows gotta be happy about that, publically they'll flay him alive, but privatly hes looking at a nice like pension and a private dacha in the Crimea."

In Red Hammer Lukin says "The Red Armies finest are coming to bring Guba to justice."

I think CWC is probably more accuracte, but thing is I dont see how Guba EMBARRESED NATO, wow he took half the Red Army to a small island chain and attacked an island attacked by a NATO contingent of maybe 80 men. Yet with a few reinforcements Guba's men were massacred. I'd say NATO has embarresed the Soviets.

/me slaps himself

Silly me what was I thinking.

The end cutscene... they looked like resistance fighters the spetz natz were killing.

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