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activation condition for "Hold Action" on objects using 3den Enhanced

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I have 2 Objects, Obj1 = Fuel Truck , Obj2 = Fuel tank; 
I implemented the hold action using 3den Enhanced on the Fuel Tank but I want the hold action to only activate when Obj1 is near Obj2

I tried using the trigger but I can't seem to turn the condition = true when it's near the object 

So It would go something like this

1. If a player goes near obj1 it will not activate the hold action
2. If a player goes to the obj1 with the specific fuel truck(i.e.- obj2) near the radius, it will then show up and the players can interact with it to trigger an objective complete.

I know how to get the hold action to complete an objective what I don't know is how to set up the hold action to show only when a certain condition has been met



Edited by MONCHAW
Updated the Title to Give more context

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You don't need the trigger.


In the "Condition Show" field, replace 



obj1 distance2D obj2 <=5

Change the "5' to whatever number of meters you wish.

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4 minutes ago, Harzach said:

You don't need the trigger.


In the "Condition Show" field, replace 



obj1 distance2D obj2 <=5

Change the "5' to whatever number of meters you wish.

Thanks ❤️

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