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Ww2 the farm released

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It can be played either Single Player (With a Teammate), or 2 player co-operative.

Player Roles:

Red Devil N4 Sniper

Red Devil Engineer

The Engineer is essential in the mission, as the player(s) are tasked with destroying a Flak 88.

Addons required are:

Invasion 1944 FULL Demo

WW2EC Brit Pack

Flak 88

Czech Hedgehog

Kegety's Editor Update

Yep, there is a few addons required, but i hope the mission is worth it.

I'd like to see some feedback, and suggestions.


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New Version, with plenty more.

Now has lots of enemies in good spots, and some other nifty shit.

The new version is an MP Co-Op version, but can be played Single Player.


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New Version, with plenty more.

Now has lots of enemies in good spots, and some other nifty shit.

The new version is an MP Co-Op version, but can be played Single Player.


Sure trying it Tommorow. smile_o.gif

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Nice mission mate very atmostpheric. Doesent seem to be any way to end it though, even after I blew up the 88. Also if ur gonna hide people in that grass then PLEASE put em to always stand. As the grass does not obscure AI vision. Which means they will shoot u while lying down in grass and u cant see em. Apart from that very decent. Perhaps you could put some more satchel charges around incase ur engineer gets blow to pieces twice and u lose ur satchel charges.

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Thanks for the feedback mate!

I'll definately set them to always stand then mate.

They're actually not in the grass, they are in the next field along, but it may appear as though theyre in the grass.

As for satchels - The sniper that you play as cannot pick up any additional weapons, nor can i assign him any extra weapons in the editor.

Its a bug WW2EC obviouslydont know about yet, but i will inform Black Magic next time i see him on MSN.

Also - was the mission too easy? too hard? just right?

As for it not ending, there is also a second objective i forgot to mention sad_o.gif

Down at the farm house is 3 ammo crates, get the engineer to chuck a satchel there and blow them up. It should all be fixed by the next Beta.

Ive also now added support for 4 players in co-op, which means 3 players can run in to blow up the Flak and Crates, whilst the sniper covers them wink_o.gif

Im also waiting for a Silo addon. A WW2 Silo, that a German Sniper can sit up in it and fire at you if he see's you. biggrin_o.gif

One way to get around the stuff up where the Sniper cant pick up stuff is by making him a normal soldier, but adding the sniper rifle to him.

Ill try that, it may not work.


Oh, also, if you wanna play it co-op sometime, yu can contact me via MSN at [email protected], and arrange a time to play. smile_o.gif

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I believe the mission was a touch too hard. I had to do it about 8 times before I got no losses at all and I consider myself pretty decent. Its mainly because if the AI hears a shot they'll get down, you cannot see them through the grass but they can see you as it does not affect them. All I ended up doing was picking up all the nades I could and lobbing them into the grass. Also I'd recommend removing the grenades from some of the people as its very annoying to just explode from seemingly nowhere as I did several times.

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Well, ive set those 2 guys that blow you away near the tractor to "UP". They now shouldnt lie down...

Its mostly a co-op mission, not really SP.

The easiest way to do it is walk a little distance to a clear patch of grass, or into one of the paddocks, and sit there with your sniper rifle and pick them off.

In co-op its alot more fun, and fairly easier.

Best thing to do, is have NO friendly AI. Just play it in MP, and disable AI. But then ofcourse, you cant blow up the Flak 88's... crazy_o.gif

WW2EC need to fix that bug, so that i can give the sniper some TNT... Then it could be played Sinlge Player.

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Its not the guys near the tactor its the sods by the 88 that normally get me.

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Hmmm, oh them.

Well, good thing, im about to put 2 of the guys on the flak 88. So they can fire it up into the air (add's more atmosphere).

Also, if i SetUnitPos "UP" - the Unit's behaviour is automatically "Combat". Which = they run to each of thier patrol waypoints, instead of walk tounge_o.gif

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Bad idea mate. One of the people on the flak 88 is indestructible, and when it fires up or backwards the people controlling it dont rotate so sometimes the 88 is actually pointing the wrong way to which they are firing. I think its fine as it is.

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I've actually thought about it.

The 88 is only aiming up in the air at a target.

But when West is detected int he area, ill have them get out of the 88.

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Yeah ok then rock on, I think u'll find if it aims too far up it will look bloody stupid. Personally I'd say sod the 88 and call it an anti tank emplacement and use the PAK36 from WW2EC. Still its your call mate.

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As for it pointing too high, ill just place the target lower, so it doesnt point so high.

Im not going to have it look rediculous tounge_o.gif

But thanks very much for the suggestions man biggrin_o.gif

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I would put the Pak36 or whatever it is. But i cant really see something like that sitting out in a field in Normandy.

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