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Mission editor crashes

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This has happened before, but I fixed it by deleting a lot of stuff from the map, making the mission less than it should be.

Anyway, on the desert island, I was making a small mission, when all of a sudden, it stops working. I click on Preview, it starts loading it, then just crashes to the desktop! mad_o.gif

The flashpoint.rpt said this:

Quote[/b] ]


Date: 06/28/03  Time: 22:41:32


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00521255

Version 1.90


file:     mission 7

world:    Intro

Prev. code bytes: 01 00 00 8B 46 54 0F BE 80 1D 01 00 00 8B 5D F4

Fault code bytes: FF 73 04 8B 16 50 89 45 F0 8D 45 D8 50 8B CE FF


EAX:00000006 EBX:0000001B

ECX:11811400 EDX:118E6700

ESI:11BEDE00 EDI:00777C50


SS:ESP:016F:00A0F5EC  EBP:00A0F644

DS:016F  ES:016F  FS:0DD7  GS:0000



This tells me nothing, except it can't handle a stupid little exception or whatever the hell that error is meant to be! It's pissing me off! I want to be able to make and play missions without it fucking up every few weeks! I haven't checked, but a few other missions might also be affected by this unknown OFP error.


crazy_o.gif  mad_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

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It could just be a problem w/ an addon, sometimes if you don't have like the addon crew for a addon tank, for example, it will crash when you try to preview the mission. If you think this may be the case and you're not using that many addons in that mission, just try them each in a mission w/ nothing else in it, to see which one may be causing problems.

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It ran perfectly the first few weeks. I had recently used Fort Box which ran perfectly for ages, but then started the crash thing.

I guess I'm just going to have to rethink the mission(s)... mad_o.gif

Thanks for your suggestion, anyway, edc... sad_o.gif

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