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Add keyboard and mouse support

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I have already told you that I really like the game. After a small break I did install it again, mostly because I was missing encounters and because this game is really a nice alternative for those who would like to play Escape from Tarkov but cannot because do not have the PC. I actually think that your game is really good and I’m not sure that there is another game for consoles with similar idea. 

Last couple of months I was playing Fortnite with my friends because A) it is cross play B) it supports mouse and keyboard. I do own PS console but it does not mean that I enjoy playing every game on a controller. If your game, Vigor, supports keyboard and mouse, I will for sure stop spending my money on Fortnite skins and invest it all to Vigor. And I think I can talk on behalf of my friends as well. But unless Vigor supports kb and mouse I’m not gonna spend any euros because I simply cannot enjoy the game. And because I suck 😅

I don’t want to start the debate that I have a console and I should play on a controller. Or that keyboard and mouse would be OP and players with controller would not have a chance. First, Fortnite is a proof it works. Second, you can buy kb and mouse for 5€ and it would be still better than the controller. 

I believe that game has huge potential and no competition. But the fact I cannot use mouse for FPS is killing it. 

please add the support so I can stop spending my money on ugly, stupid Fortnite and support Bohemia Interactive and Vigor 😉


Your huge and forever fan,

Radek Duchon

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I’m even considering buying a PC to be able to play Escape from Tarkov. I could use all that money for Vigor skins and gold. 

I would not even mind to pay to unlock the support of keyboard and mouse. Could be part of the battle pass. 

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