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Dedicated Server what Dedicated Server

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Another POS Gamespy rouge spear game. I buy games only for Multi player and so far this game BLOWS GOATS> Who wants to play a big ass map made for 100 people and nonone can join when the game started.

If this had True dedicated Servers like Quake it would rule. But it don't and it sucks. laggy aas #### too

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Interest on the game will die out fast if BIS doesnt do something about it i guess...

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Die out fast if they dont say if they are going to Implement it or not

OFP will still sell..but what about OFP 2 in the future...

or add-ons...not for me if MP is sucky.

2-4 CO-OP rocks on LAN by the way and this i will play long after 2002 with friends. But i dont have a LAN party everyday..( once a month or 2 month)

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Yes I'm in agreement; the new 'Dedicated Servers' are akin to a lie. They do not work or function as a REAL dedicated server is supposed to do, it's the fundamentals of implementation and play rather than net code for me.

This is a great pity because OFP is such a promising game, yet seriously restrictive and limited in MP. The Developers will listen and reply to bug reports well, but when we suggest things they just ignore you.

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get cable u cheapsates i play with 5 a side we all have cable[smooth as f**k] this game is the best MP game goin ..............go back to quake

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Ded Servers WORK GREAT

it's the fact that you need a fast Computer to have them work good,

Quake ded servers ran well on a 500mz with 128 meg DSL 256/100 yes

but this is NOT quake, you need more SPEED you morons

this is a NEW GAME with HIGHER system recomendations

I play on a server with 40 ppl and it's awesome

there are TWO typed of Server LAG

CPU lag and Net lag

OFP needs better servers CPU speeds at least a 1 ghz and lots of RAM (256+ not just the bear minimum you fruitcakes)

So for all you WHINNERs complaing about the poor servers tell the guy running his server on a P450 and low end DSL not to bother hosting!

you need better then a 150kbs upsteam to handle past 8 players, VERY few have that, if they dont you'll see a yellow box in the lower Right corner, this means the Server can't handle all the conections

if you see AI or players disappear and seem to jump back to where they were a few seconds ago this means the server is not FAST enough

I've never in my life seen so many idiots that think they know something

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 10:46 am on Nov. 18, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from RN Malboeuf on 4:44 pm on Nov. 18, 2001

Ded Servers WORK GREAT


I've never in my life seen so many idiots that think they know something

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 10:46 am on Nov. 18, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>





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EVERYONE who wanna tell that OFP-MP is great must be a complete idiot!

OFP-MP is the worst i have ever seen come around and tell ME sumthin about bandwidth and cpu-power (lol)...

first - the singleplayer game is GREAT but the MP-netcode is TERRIBLE!

....because the BI-developers dont have any experience in developing good netcode they failed.

but also they were too ignorant to follow A LOT suggestions which e.g. told them that they may outsource it to EXPERIENCED companies like LOKI or whatever. well, meanwhile LOKI has disapeared but this only shows HOW LONG they were informed but did not make it.

OFP HAS a lot of lags. just yesterday when u tried to shoot a MI24 with ma vulcan. the helicopter jumped over the sky and even when i had the pilots face in ma f**kin crosshair nothin happens BECAUSE IT LAGS AS ####!

You wanna tell me now that its MY connection problem?! LOL, its just the most simple way di avoid ANY critics, just tell the "poor" customers its their problem not the problem of the bad educated und unexperienced wannabe-developers of BI.

BI dont even have a clue of netcode-development so the best would be the do outsource it to a company which HAS exeprience to those projects.

and btw - even its the wrong thread - but as long there is no linux ded server PLEASE do not talk about profe. server environments and performance.

we already offerd BI hled a couple of time - until now not even a reaction or a reply!



PS: I have 22mbit sdsl and my server have 1.5gbit and 384mbit. and my game-machine is an athlon 1.4ghz geforce2mx40064mb -- OFP LAGS thats why it currently SUX

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your posted Conection is Wrong, SDSL has almost the same speed up and down, you have ADSL with those listed speeds

OFP requires more data in it's packets then other games, this produces lag yes, but that's due to the players or servers limited upstream, not OFP it self

I think you have to learn how to play on faster Servers and Faster Net Servers

Your post clearly shows you have no understanding of what can make LAG, you can have the T3 and still get LAG from a Poor HOST

I play every Day on about 5 different servers, they range from 10 - 40 player servers, I know which ones can handle what and so do the Server admins, these ppl have taken the time to test thier server and Net speed to know what they can handle

there are almost 1500 servers a day now and thousands of ppl playing Lag free simply because they know what to look for in a server

Yes ppl get Lag, they have incorect Net Worksettings (ie need to go to DSLreports.com or speedguide.net and reset the MAX MTU settings for thier Broad ban connections)

or they are playing on servers to far away

I see every day some guy connecting with 1700 ping from the UK on a NA server wondering why it wont work, and want to play thier cause he knows a few pps

OFP needs and REQUIRES better Gaming machines and Internet AND the knowlege to use them properly

if you conect to a machine with say 80 ping you'll have no problems untill more ppl conect and slow the server down, it's the sever slowing down not OFP

MP still has it bugs but you just have to give BIS a little more time, every one knows no Game is 100% perfect when it's release

there are TWO types of Server LAG

CPU lag and Net lag

CP lag is where the host is not fst enough to handle all the clients and AI

Net lag is where the Host does not have enough UPload to handle all the Clients needs for Packets

it's high time you started playing on better servers or create your own since you have 300+ upstream you can handle about 18 players

down/up (transfer rates)(playerX based on 0-100 ping)

D) Crap DSL 250/50 (4 players max)

E) DSL med 450/70-100 (6-8 players max)

F) DLS high end 850/100 (8 players max)

G) DSL Rare and FAST 1500+/100-150 (12 players max)

about 50% of the servers on the net are guys just hosting with D,E or F, and thats just NOT fast enough!

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 2:13 pm on Nov. 21, 2001)

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Okay, so where are these servers? We had no problem w/ COOP before .29 That started the CTD and disconnects, then BIS pushes out .30 and the lags starts.

I find it odd that these problems weren't here in the other beta's but happened after .29. Our squad had 8 guys before on .27 we are lucky now if we can hold 5 on 30 w/ out either going back out to pick up the disconnects or restarting the PC's to see if that clears any lag problems.

5 of us have Cable and we all try hosting. I doubt we are all having the same pissy connections, if we jump into JF-18 or F4 those lags aren't there :mad:

Looking for servers like Hyper Lobby to launch OFP, if they are out there please let me know. We are searching ....

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I play 20+ servers all the time

1.29 was crap yes, 1.30 has it's problems

but 20+ players works fine if YOUR server can handle it!

get and use the EYE, then set it up with no filters and have it list the most players 1st

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One thing that sucks is that too many mission authors are making co-op maps that don't allow players to respawn. Forces players to sit on the server forever scratching ass while the rest of the squad dies one at a time. Co-op Multiplayer missions should be created in a way which allows players to respawn and have the map end based on timelimits or completing mission objectives.

Anyone know of a good program to use to edit existing maps spawn times? There are some great co-op maps floating around on the net but this respawn crap really blows, heh.


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just stay alive my coops have no respawn it gets stupid with respawn


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Quote: from RN Malboeuf on 4:44 pm on Nov. 18, 2001

Ded Servers WORK GREAT

it's the fact that you need a fast Computer to have them work good,

Quake ded servers ran well on a 500mz with 128 meg DSL 256/100 yes

but this is NOT quake, you need more SPEED you morons

this is a NEW GAME with HIGHER system recomendations

I play on a server with 40 ppl and it's awesome

there are TWO typed of Server LAG

CPU lag and Net lag

OFP needs better servers CPU speeds at least a 1 ghz and lots of RAM (256+ not just the bear minimum you fruitcakes)

So for all you WHINNERs complaing about the poor servers tell the guy running his server on a P450 and low end DSL not to bother hosting!

you need better then a 150kbs upsteam to handle past 8 players, VERY few have that, if they dont you'll see a yellow box in the lower Right corner, this means the Server can't handle all the conections

if you see AI or players disappear and seem to jump back to where they were a few seconds ago this means the server is not FAST enough

I've never in my life seen so many idiots that think they know something

RN, I recently posted results on the dslreports thread (below) I am receiving approx 3200kbps downstream and approx 1200 upstream. With that in mind, I believe I am ideal to host a dedicated server. Am I correct? I run an AMD 1.4Ghz Athlon with 786SDRAM. Is setting up a dedicated server simple to do? I am fairly computer literate, however I have never attempted hosting a dedicated server before.

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you should beable to host quite a few players with out Lag yes

there is extensive read me files in the 1.30 upgrade (the 33 meg one has two PDFs)

you'll host even more with a ded server compared to a hosted one

you just have to make sure your NIC and routers can handle at least 2 mbs upstream

most Speed testors dont actually test that they just send 1 packet three times and find the average ping speed

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Hmm, Not laggy here with my cable, I also think the best multiplayer games is TFC (HALF LIFE ADDON) cause u can go right to action unlike cs(another half life addon) where u have to wait fore ever. Maybe if they made it so you can join in the game during the game, so you could fit an open slot would be great.

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stands for millasecond, i just use more advaced terms by mistake

10 kbs is 60000b/ms

10 x 1000 (or you could say 1024) x 60 ms

some thing like that

man that hurts ma head

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"stands for millasecond, i just use more advaced terms by mistake"

Your just cocky at everything arent you? You think I don't know what the #### a Ms is, and it's not used in terms of speed. It's more used in latency. And 10 kbs does not = 60000b/ms(first off 60,000bytes would be 60Kb in a millasec. times that by 1000 and you get 60,000KB/s which would be wrong) wink.gif Before you come on here posting BS get your facts straight, d*amn I bet your one #### of  a computer salemen, you just wait for Joe Shmoe consumer to walk in and feed him a bunch of Bulls**t. I bet those that are well educated consumers opt not to buy from you wink.gif

(Edited by WisdoM at 4:09 pm on Nov. 24, 2001)

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