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Adjusting spectate script.

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Below is version 1.2 of kegs spectate script, im mixing it with a revive script (respawn system for coop) anyway I have a issue were in the list and deatharray or whatever it needs to either remove the players how are not in the trigger "playeralive" or not to spectate those who have died during the spectate script.

So basicly its gotta somehow update in the loop on the spectate data and im unsure exactly what needs to be updated nor how to completely do it.

So basicly when the player selects someone outside the playeralive trigger it will not do the camera spectate on that player/unit, ? is this possible ne1 know?

Code below is what I have so far. As you can see I tried to add a static object to the spectate list but for some odd reason that doesn't show in the list..

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;

; Spectating script v1.2 by Kegetys <Kegetys@dnainternet.net>

; http://www.ofp.kege.cjb.net


; Requires OFP Version 1.85 or up


_bodybag = _this


; Change DeathCamArray values to spectateable objects

; Remember to use driver/gunner/commander if you want to spectate the player driving/gunning/commanding a vehicle if he exits it

; you can also put AI controlled units and objective vehicles/buildings here.


DeathCamArray = [_bodybag,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S10,S11,S12]

DeathCamArrayTemp = []

"if ((not isNull _x) and (_x in list playeralive)) then {DeathCamArrayTemp = DeathCamArrayTemp + [_x]}" foreach DeathCamArray

DeathCamArray = DeathCamArrayTemp

DeathCamNameCache = []

"if (name _x == ""error: no unit"") then {DeathCamNameCache = DeathCamNameCache + [""object""]} else {DeathCamNameCache = DeathCamNameCache + [name _x]}" foreach DeathCamArray

;_seagull = _this select 2

;_seagull setpos[0,0,0]

DeathCamCurCamTarget = "HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle getpos _bodybag

_HeightDummy = "HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle getpos _bodybag


titleCut ["","BLACK OUT", 1.5]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 4]

? count DeathCamArray == 0 : _vhltemp = _bodybag

? count DeathCamArray == 0 : goto "seagull"

DeathCamCineViewSpecial = 0

DeathCamComSpeed = 0.4

DeathCamRelPos = [0,-2,0.3]

DeathCamTarHeight = 1.7

DeathCamIndex = 0

DeathCamCurTarget = _bodybag

DeathCam = "camera" camCreate [(getpos _bodybag select 0)+2, (getpos _bodybag select 1)+2, 700 ]

DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]

DeathCam camSetTarget vehicle DeathCamCurCamTarget

DeathCam camSetPos [(getpos _bodybag select 0)+2, (getpos _bodybag select 1)+2, 1000 ]

DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976

DeathCam camCommand "inertia on"

DeathCam camCommit 0

showCinemaBorder false


_ok = createDialog "DlgSpectateDeath"

ctrlShow [1046001,false];ctrlShow [1046002,false];ctrlShow [1046003,false];ctrlShow [1046004,false];ctrlShow [1046005,false];ctrlShow [1046006,false];ctrlShow [1046007,false];ctrlShow [1046008,true];ctrlShow [1046009,false];ctrlShow [1046010,false];ctrlShow [1046011,false];ctrlShow [1046012,false];ctrlShow [1046013,false];ctrlShow [1046014,false];ctrlShow [1046015,false];ctrlShow [1046016,false];ctrlShow [1046017,false];ctrlShow [1046018,false];ctrlShow [1046019,false]

ctrlSetText [116969,name player]

ctrlShow [1047002,false];ctrlShow [1047001,false];ctrlShow [1048001,false]

sliderSetRange [1046010, 0.2, 7]

sliderSetPosition [1046010, 1]

kegfoo = 0

"_i = lbAdd [1047002, DeathCamNameCache select kegfoo];lbSetData [1047002, _i, format[""%1"",kegfoo]];if (side _x == west) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [0.8,0.8,1,0.8]]};if (side _x == EAST) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [1,0.8,0.8,0.8]]};if (side _x == resistance) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [0.8,1,0.8,0.8]]};if ((name _x == ""error: no unit"") and ((DeathCamNameCache select kegfoo) == ""object"")) then {lbSetColor[1047002, _i, [0,0,0,0.4]]};kegfoo = kegfoo + 1" foreach DeathCamArray

lbSetCurSel [1047002, 0]

kegfoo = 0

"if (player == _x) then {lbSetCurSel [1047002, kegfoo] };kegfoo = kegfoo + 1;" foreach DeathCamArray

? not _ok : exit


?(player in list playeralive) : goto "endloop"

"if (!(_x in list playeralive)) then {lbSetColor[1047002, kegfoo, [0,0,0,0.4]]};kegfoo = kegfoo + 1" foreach DeathCamArray;

kegfoo = 0

? lbData[1047002,(lbCurSel 1047002)] != format["%1",DeathCamIndex] : _TargetChange = 1

? _TargetChange == 1 : DeathCamIndex = lbCurSel 1047002

? (_TargetChange == 1) and (dialog): 0 exec "nextCam.sqs"

_TargetChange = 0

;_seagull setpos[0,0,(getpos _vhlTemp select 2)+15]

? !dialog : goto "seagull"

DeathCam camCommit DeathCamComSpeed

_vhlTemp = vehicle DeathCamCurTarget

; Cinematic view?

? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 1 : goto "camspecial"

; The following will reduce the effect of warping spectated object to the camera itself

_Divider = 100 - (speed _vhlTemp * 2)

? _Divider < 10 : _Divider = 10

_moX = (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 0) - (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0))/_Divider)

_moY = (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 1) - (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1))/_Divider)

_moZ = ((getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)-DeathCamTarHeight) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 2) - ((getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)-DeathCamTarHeight))/_Divider)

; Workaround for an ofp "feature" with the setpos/getpos commands and roadway lods

_HeightDummy setpos [getpos _vhlTemp select 0,getpos _vhlTemp select 1,0]

_h2 = _vhlTemp distance _HeightDummy

_h1 = _h2 + DeathCamTarHeight

? vehicle DeathCamCurTarget == DeathCamCurTarget : _moZ = ((_h1)-DeathCamTarHeight) + (((_h2) - ((_h1)-DeathCamTarHeight))/_Divider)

DeathCamCurCamTarget setpos[_moX,_moY,_moZ + DeathCamTarHeight]

DeathCamCurCamTarget setdir getdir _vhlTemp

; Top view?

? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 2 : goto "camspecialTop"

_RealRelPos = [(DeathCamRelPos select 0) * (sliderPosition 1046010), (DeathCamRelPos select 1) * (sliderPosition 1046010), (DeathCamRelPos select 2) * ((sliderPosition 1046010)*2)]

? ((speed vehicle DeathCamCurTarget >= 150)) : _RealRelPos = [(DeathCamRelPos select 0) * (sliderPosition 1046010) * 5, (DeathCamRelPos select 1) * (sliderPosition 1046010) * 5, (DeathCamRelPos select 2) * ((sliderPosition 1046010)*2) * 5]

DeathCam camSetRelPos _RealRelPos

goto "loop"

; Cinematic view


DeathCamCurCamTarget setpos[getpos _vhlTemp select 0,getpos _vhlTemp select 1,(getpos _vhlTemp select 2) + DeathCamTarHeight]

DeathCamCurCamTarget setdir getdir _vhlTemp

; Reset cam if object is far away... if its a very fast object use a more distant view

? ((speed vehicle DeathCamCurTarget >= 150)) and (((DeathCam) distance (DeathCamCurCamTarget)) > 400) : DeathCam camSetRelPos [3,400.1,10.0]

? ((speed vehicle DeathCamCurTarget < 150)) and (((DeathCam) distance (DeathCamCurCamTarget)) > 100) : DeathCam camSetRelPos DeathCamRelPos

; Distance slider sets zoom (FOV) in cinematic view

DeathCam camSetFOV 0.976 * ((sliderPosition 1046010)/5)

goto "loop"

; Top view


DeathCamCurCamTarget setdir 0

DeathCam camSetPos [getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0,getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1,(getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)+(30 * sliderPosition 1046010 * 1.5)]

goto "loop"

; User pressed esc, return seagull control


titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 0]

;_seagull setpos [0,0,0]

;_h = sqrt(((_vhlTemp distance _seagull) * (_vhlTemp distance _seagull)) - (sqrt(((getpos _vhlTemp select 0) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 0)) + ((getpos _vhlTemp select 1) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 1))) * sqrt(((getpos _vhlTemp select 0) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 0)) + ((getpos _vhlTemp select 1) * (getpos _vhlTemp select 1))))) + ((getpos _vhlTemp select 2)+15)

;? _h > 80 : _h = 80

;_seagull setpos [(getpos _vhlTemp select 0)-15+random 30, (getpos _vhlTemp select 1)-15+random 30,_h]

player setvelocity[0,0,0]

player switchCamera "INTERNAL"

player cameraEffect ["terminate","FRONT"]

player camCommand "manual on"


; Return back to spectating

;@(_h) >= 0

titleCut ["","BLACK OUT", 0.5]


titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 1]

DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]

goto "start"


enableRadio true

closedialog 0

DeathCam camSetTarget player

DeathCam camSetRelPos [10.49, 0.61, 3.48]

DeathCam camSetFov 0.7

DeathCam camCommit 5

DeathCam camCommand "manual off"

@camCommitted DeathCam

DeathCam camSetRelPos [-0.82, -3.12, 3.38]

DeathCam camSetFov 0.044

DeathCam camCommit 3.5

@camCommitted DeathCam


player switchCamera "INTERNAL"

player cameraEffect ["Terminate", "BACK"]

camDestroy DeathCam

deletevehicle _bodybag


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I guess the main part to focus on is below.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop

?(player in list playeralive) : goto "endloop"

"if (!(_x in list playeralive)) then {lbSetColor[1047002, kegfoo, [0,0,0,0.4]]};kegfoo = kegfoo + 1" foreach DeathCamArray;

kegfoo = 0

? lbData[1047002,(lbCurSel 1047002)] != format["%1",DeathCamIndex] : _TargetChange = 1

? _TargetChange == 1 : DeathCamIndex = lbCurSel 1047002

? (_TargetChange == 1) and (dialog): 0 exec "nextCam.sqs"

_TargetChange = 0

;_seagull setpos[0,0,(getpos _vhlTemp select 2)+15]

? !dialog : goto "seagull"

DeathCam camCommit DeathCamComSpeed

_vhlTemp = vehicle DeathCamCurTarget

; Cinematic view?

? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 1 : goto "camspecial"

; The following will reduce the effect of warping spectated object to the camera itself

_Divider = 100 - (speed _vhlTemp * 2)

? _Divider < 10 : _Divider = 10

_moX = (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 0) - (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 0))/_Divider)

_moY = (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 1) - (getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 1))/_Divider)

_moZ = ((getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)-DeathCamTarHeight) + (((getpos _vhlTemp select 2) - ((getpos DeathCamCurCamTarget select 2)-DeathCamTarHeight))/_Divider)

; Workaround for an ofp "feature" with the setpos/getpos commands and roadway lods

_HeightDummy setpos [getpos _vhlTemp select 0,getpos _vhlTemp select 1,0]

_h2 = _vhlTemp distance _HeightDummy

_h1 = _h2 + DeathCamTarHeight

? vehicle DeathCamCurTarget == DeathCamCurTarget : _moZ = ((_h1)-DeathCamTarHeight) + (((_h2) - ((_h1)-DeathCamTarHeight))/_Divider)

DeathCamCurCamTarget setpos[_moX,_moY,_moZ  + DeathCamTarHeight]

DeathCamCurCamTarget setdir getdir _vhlTemp

; Top view?

? DeathCamCineViewSpecial == 2 : goto "camspecialTop"

_RealRelPos = [(DeathCamRelPos select 0) * (sliderPosition 1046010), (DeathCamRelPos select 1) * (sliderPosition 1046010), (DeathCamRelPos select 2) * ((sliderPosition 1046010)*2)]

? ((speed vehicle DeathCamCurTarget >= 150)) : _RealRelPos = [(DeathCamRelPos select 0) * (sliderPosition 1046010) * 5, (DeathCamRelPos select 1) * (sliderPosition 1046010) * 5, (DeathCamRelPos select 2) * ((sliderPosition 1046010)*2) * 5]

DeathCam camSetRelPos _RealRelPos

goto "loop"

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